They raise to 24 dead after the explosion of a pyrotechnics workshop in Mexico


5th July 2018 – 05:09 pm



Agencia EFE

The authorities of the central state of Mexico have raised from 19 to 24 the number of dead and 49 wounded by the explosions that occurred on Thursday in an underground pyrotechnic workshop in the municipality of Tultepec

On the site of explosions, a workshop in the area known as La Saucera, 17 people died and seven others were treated in hospitals where they were admitted , according to the Prosecutor General's Office of State Justice in a statement.

Among the dead is a minor and the authorities transferred all the bodies to their facilities for the forensic procedures of the investigation and to proceed with the surrender to their loved ones, said the

The Chief from the Secretariat of Public Security of the State of Mexico, Maribel Cervantes, confirmed that at least three explosions took place, the last two while they were already on the site. Mberos, paramedicos and police

"When the emergency services arrived a second explosion occurred and that is why when they provided first aid in this first explosion, the second is registered and that is when they lose the widow and our colleagues "

At least seven firefighters are among the people killed by the blasts, according to the authorities.

The Office of the Public Prosecutor reported that 49 people were injured by the explosions, both of whom are detainees. Hospitals of the State of Mexico City and Mexico City

The Secretary of Health of the State of Mexico, Gabriel O. Shea, said that on instruction of the State Governor Alfredo del Mazo, the authorities would be responsible for the costs. d & # 39; hospitalization.

"I will offer any help, they will be well taken care of, make sure everything is in the hospitals and that the governor has told me that patients and members of the family do not cost anything. "

The Office of the Prosecutor confirmed that when the security conditions are met. the site of the explosion, a team of accident experts, in addition to actuaries, photographers and police with dogs, will make a review will comply with court proceedings.

The first explosion occurred after 09:40 local time (14:40 GMT) in a clandestine pyrotechnic workshop "and subsequently the contamination of the explosion caused that there was a second, third, fourth, for the dissemination of explosives. "

According to statements of the National Coordinator of Civil Protection, Luis Felipe Puente, the incident was triggered "probably by mishandling the pyrotechnic product."

This is the third explosion with deaths that is recorded in the same municipality of Tultepec in less than a month

June 6, an explosion in a house that would have been used as warehouse of fireworks made seven dead and at least eight wounded in the municipality.

A few days later, on June 25, another person died and six were injured in explosions in a warehouse and two fireworks

The most serious incident recorded in Tultepec in recent years has occurred in December 2016, when an explosion on the local market caused the death of 42 people

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