The officials of the town hall spoke in the debate on the valuation La Crónica del Quindío


At the Council of Armenia was held the discussion during which officials, councilors, district leaders, unions, etc. intervened.

  City Hall officials intervened in the debate on evaluation

/ John Jolmes Cardona, THE CHRONICLE

Officials of the municipal administration also held accounts when of the debate on the evaluation this wednesday ( Read: "We invite the citizens to pay the contribution": mayor in the valorization debate )


The Secretary of Infrastructure, Álvaro José Jiménez Torres explained that gave a report in the debate .

"We made a report of the state in which the works were left.There was room for a first legal part, which is to define the status of contracts and the like. Infrastructure talked about the part execution of the works .We have two evaluation packages.The first one that includes three completed works, and one, which is next to La Estación, which is still to be finished. [19659004] Last week, we were doing some deeds to collect debris from 26th Street, which was shaming the city, and we are waiting to see what happens because we have a job there, a way that is interrupted because the asphalt file that was supposed to intervene was lifted.

With package two, which is the contract we call "bridges", three jobs were under construction, a very advanced which was avenue Montecarlo with 48 % of execution, near one kilometer, where there are four bridges

The other two works are 19th Street North a road completed at 9%, and the last one in construction, which was The Colonia . "

See also: Knowing the ABC of the Assessment Process in Armenia


The Treasurer of Armenia, Luis Albeiro Torres Soto stated in his speech that is not true that Armenians do not pay property .

"The evaluation is a subject that It's not a very high percentage that manages the treasury and the cash. Up to now, 60,500 million pesos have been recovered from the month of December of the year 2015 to date. We would regret collecting about 56 billion pesos. We have different times of the year when citizens come to make their payments.

The first three months of the year we encourage them to make quick payment. Most people, who will pay, do so in the first three months, but this is not what happens in the municipality. Property, people are aware that you will still have to pay .

The property tax is low because people do not have the economic capacity . If you do not pay voluntarily, we must first send a persuasive charge and we wait for the titles to be sent to begin making the collections coercive with respect to the badessment. "

See also: What will be the future of works for evaluation in Armenia?

Legal Department

" We think that it is not going to go ahead with the work in this mandate ", said Sandra Herrera, Director of the Legal Department of the Municipality of Armenia.

" We have conducted some legal actions, we are waiting some technical reports from the secretariat of infrastructure to initiate administrative sanction procedures in connection with the non-compliance of the contractor due to certain eventualities, to make an effective policy for union claims

This will ensure that if the contract is terminated, the contractor's due process will be guaranteed, which will most likely be subject to judicial review and therefore the municipality can pre-empt any action in justice . It will guarantee recovery in advance through a proper investment and management policy and it will be guaranteed that if we are sued for professional increases the policy that covers salaries and benefits will be also effective.

We believe that it is not going to go ahead with the works, because we have not been able to reach an agreement with the contractor for the change of legal representative and what remains to us is to initiate the administrative procedures of declaration of non-conformity and, if it is the case, to pronounce the expiration, but as I say it while guaranteeing the regularity of the procedure and the right of contradiction, both of the guarantor and the contractor.

We hope to make the quote to the contractor next week, we depend on the reports of the audit and the secretariat of the infrastructure. We do not know how long the mayor will be in charge, it is likely that in the administration of him we will begin hearings, although the process is long ".

How many resources are recovered with policies?

"Policies cover everything in advance. At present, the 012 contract has not amortized a down payment of $ 1,050 million and 031 has not amortized a down payment of 20,500 million pesos. The idea is to recover everything by guarantees. Regarding the non-compliance, it is emotional according to the damages that the municipality demonstrates that have generated delays by the contractor in the generation of the works and the one that protects wages and benefits up to the amount considered "


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