Cartagena, flight, capture: Captured alleged responsible for the flight of the hostess in Cartagena | Cartagena


In the development of the national offensive against crime, in the last hours, in the midst of patrol work deployed by members of the metropolitan police of Cartagena was captured a recidivist with a wide criminal record, known like El Caras, with more than twelve legal proceedings against him, four of which are related to cellphone theft, since 2013.

In the midst of the plans of registration deployed in the corregimiento of La Boquilla, as part of In this holiday season, metropolitan police officials, attached to the police substation, have managed to locate and capture a criminal known in the criminal world under the pseudonym of "Caras &". Identified as Reynel Bron Miranda, 26 years old for robbery and aggravated robbery.

In one of the streets of the municipality of La Boquilla, the police units located the Ias 'Caras', while he was traveling in an area frequented by several foreign tourists and national, was reduced and captured, when checking the substantive system, the judicial injunction against him.

Alias ​​"Caras", allegedly responsible for stealing a necklace, valued at 70 million pesos, to presenter Elizabeth Loaiza, facts recorded on March 27, 2018 and widely disseminated on social networks . Therefore, the presence of the alias "Caras", in the same area, could be related to the possible commission of flights to tourists, action frustrated by the effective police reaction.

The captured, identified as Reynel Bron Miranda, aka "Caras", has four records for theft, illegal possession of firearms, drug trafficking and illegal use of renewable natural resources.

The accused was detained in a criminal prison in 2017, for the crime of motorcycle theft, however, to recover their freedom continued in his criminal career.

The capture of alias "Caras", will mean an improvement of the security conditions in this tourist area, located in the north of the city Heroica. [19659002] At the end of hearings before a guarantor of the guarantee, aka "Caras", he was sheltered by an intramural insurance measure, and will be transferred to Veal Prison, to comply with commanded by the guarantor of the guarantee.

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