violence in Chocó: the church presents a disturbing panorama of violence in Chocó | 6am today for today


In dialogue with 6:00 pm Hoy por Hoy of Radio Caracol, Monsignor Juan Carlos Barreto, bishop of the diocese of Quibdó, in Chocó, delivered a disturbing panorama on the violence and the armed groups that s & ## In this area of ​​the country

Indicated that for the Quibdó case, homicides are shot, having a number of 100 crimes per year leaving in recent years 600 dead acts of violence

"Social leaders had to leave their lands, threats of recruitment by armed organizations for children and youth, antipersonnel mines were planted in the area, people are confined and abducted in their neighborhoods by the violence of the Eln and the Gulf clan, "says Bishop Barreto

He adds that the community feels that his life is in danger and that 39, she changed its everydayness for the struggle of the territory of the armed organizations.

Finally Monseigneur pleaded for the continuation of the dialogue with the ELN, but at the same time he asked that the coherence of the guerrillas in his speech since the table of conversations in Havana , Cuba speaks about peace but in the earth it continues to sow terror to the community with subversive actions.

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