Meeting of Pacific Alliance Ministers – Sectors – Economy


In Bogotá was held the meeting of ministers of 4 countries


The four finance ministers of the countries that make up the Pacific Alliance, at the summit of Bogota

Photo: [19659010] Courtesy of Minhacienda


July 6, 2018, 4:18 PM

An agreement to define the principles that will govern the activities known as Fintech (Financial Technology) and that could be applicable in the four countries of the Pacific Alliance is one of the announcements that concludes the 17th meeting of finance ministers of the countries of the Pacific Alliance.

The promotion of innovation in the provision of financial services, the promotion of competition and financial inclusion are some of the problems that have already been mentioned, to be part of the regulation Fintech, with which we will seek that it "responds to clear objectives of public policy in light of which the relevance and priority of the aspects or activities to be regulated are badyzed".

The Fintech regulation in the region, as expressed by the ministers, It will frame the flexibility to adapt to the dynamism of innovation, regulation by independent activities of the provider, the technological neutrality, proportionality based on risk, consumer protection, integrity and financial stability, the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. coordination – regional cooperation, with industry and with other regulations, "explained sector leaders in the region.

Chile's finance ministers, Felipe Larraín, participated in the event; that of Colombia, Mauricio Cárdenas; the Secretary of the Treasury and Public Credit of Mexico, José Antonio González; and the Minister of the Economy of Peru, Carlos Oliva

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