Google Duplex can be used in call centers for customer service


  voice badistant for google duplex technology io2018 2835
When Google Duplex technology was introduced for the first time, in addition to raising some controversy, it also led many people to think of all the ways of reduce the time spent on the phone: we would no longer have to worry about calling to make restaurant reservations, talk with people about customer service and other tedious tasks that need to be done be made with a call.

It was not considered, that is how Duplex could be effective to do the opposite; that is to say become the tireless telemarketer or the customer service representative who interrupts us on the phone at the least opportune time. And now it seems that Google may be looking for more commercial ways to employ its intelligent badistant. According to The Information reports, Duplex could replace people working to make or receive calls.

The report cites an anonymous source familiar with Google's plans, which states that the technology giant is currently in negotiations with at least one potential commercial user who is looking to bring Duplex to its operations. It is said that the company, an insurance company that has not been named, is interested in using artificial intelligence badistance not to play the role of seller, but rather as a customer service agent.

It sounds a lot more humane, and it is much more capable than the automatic systems that we currently have to go through before connecting with a real person, this could help reduce the time lost by customers and agents on the phone. [19659003] However, a Google spokesman said that they are currently studying various consumer usage opportunities for Duplex technology, but are focusing on areas where they can help people perform tasks , instead of applying them to

"We do not test Duplex with a professional client Duplex is designed to work in very specific use cases, and we are currently focusing on technology with restaurant reservations, bookings of hairdressers and holiday schedules, with a limit of confidence testers, "explained the spokesman." It is important that we have the right experience, and we take a slow and measured approach by integrating the right number of people. " machine learning and feedback from our tests. "

Of course, Google is not the only company to incorporate artificially intelligent voice badistants gente in the call centers. Amazon has already started marketing a version of Alexa to answer questions by phone and SMS, and there are reports that IBM, Microsoft and Cisco are also looking for ways to bring their own brand of AI.

With this in mind, it is no wonder that research firm Research And Markets says that cloud-based service centers run by artificial intelligence will have a value of $ 21. billions of dollars (21 billion) for the year 2022, an increase of more than three times its marker of 6.8 billion dollars in 2017.

Duplex is a technology under development that allows Google Assistant to make phone calls on behalf of the user, and is derived from years of research and work in artificial intelligence for the processing of natural language.

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