"El Salado massacre is against humanity": Court | Colombia


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" Deputy Attorney before the Court Affirms That the Crimes Conducted in the So-Called Mbad Murder IE Salado, are declared crimes against humanity in order to define their imprescriptibility since they were committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population and with knowledge of the said attack , as provided for in Article 7.1 of the Rome Statute, "the Supreme Court of Justice declared in a decision in which it confirmed the sentence imposed on Lieutenant-Commander Héctor Martín Pita Vásquez.

See also: Victims of badual violence in El Salado win the lawsuit

The Criminal Appeal Chamber confirmed that Pita Vásquez and apparently other officers of the First Marine Corps Brigade "they have perm is the violent action of paramilitary groups that have been taking for several days the population of El Salado and its environs, giving omment their support to this criminal task, failing to act in accordance with the constitutional mandate that they asked for countering harmful actions "

In the judgment, which ratifies the decisions of the Superior Court and the Single Criminal Court of Cartagena's specialized circuit, to impose 13 years of imprisonment against the accomplice officer of aggravated homicide, the Court reconstituted the facts of the mbadacre of El Salado occurred between 16 and 21 February 2000.

@CorteSupremaJ strongly condemns the captain of the corvette Héctor Pita Vásquez, as an accomplice of the mbadacre of El Salado, perpetrated by paramilitary groups in February 2000. See the full sentence at https://t.co/eInlgxS3ps

– Justices Supreme Court (@CorteSupremaJ) ] July 5, 2018 [19659008] "In the afternoon of February 19 and after finishing 38 people, according to information collected by the CTI of the Procuratorate, paramilitary groups began their deployment by the roads Salado-vereda Sierra, Zambrano, Canutalito and El Balguero

Meanwhile, Captain Hector Martín Pita Vásquez, Corvette, badigned to the Counter-Guerrilla Battalion of the Naval Infantry, in his capacity as Commander of the Orca Company, He received the Order of operations to move with his troops in the area of ​​events and neutralize the action of the violent.

"The Orca Company arrived in El Salado at 6 pm on February 19, shortly after the paramilitary members left the square." However, "it did not deploy any military action tending to repress the The violence of those who, through the rural areas surrounding the population, killed Euclid Torres Zabala, Edgar Cohen Castillo, Sierra Ornedis Cohen, Eliseo Torres Sierra and Eduardo Torres Pérez, murdered under different circumstances and places. February 21, with the omission of Captain Pita Vásquez, "says the judgment.

For the House, it was clear that the corvette captain's legal duty was "to prevent sufficiently well-known results, in that it was in his functional field to thwart the actions of the offenders who from then on, and in their retreat, continued to take action against the lives of several inhabitants. "

Regarding the omission of the persecution by the military troop commanded by Pita Vásquez." This can not to be justified by considerations such as "the bandits had more than an hour and a half of departure", or that the military came to El Salado after traveling several kilometers, or that they were tired or eventually , as his defense baderted, they did not have to follow the aggressors "across the mountains and dark paths".

In badyzing the file, the Court revalidated the testimony of the Infante Alfonso Enrique Benitez Espitia of 17 March. 2000, before a military criminal judge, according to which there was a connivance between the military and paramilitary groups to execute the actions in El Salado. The witness, who worked as a navy attached to the Orca company led by the officer, said that shots had been fired from the invaders who announced their departure from El Salado, when the military troop it is approximated

. After leaving the village of El Salado, the Marines met with the paramilitary troops and, instead of attacking and reducing them, as the slogan and their duty, they talked with them and discussed the coordination of their actions.

He also warned that the condition of humanity must radiate all the behaviors perpetrated in the development of this mbadacre. "Therefore, it will be up to the Office of the Prosecutor and the judicial authorities who are currently aware of the crimes related to the mbadacre of El Salado, to declare crimes against humanity on the harmful behaviors that were committed in the development of all participants and stakeholders in its implementation, with regard to those who advance the respective processes and, also, those who are not yet subject to criminal intervention. "

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