The trade war is "real" and it is already there: the analysts


  The commercial war is

Bart Hordijk, badyst at Monex Europe, agrees on the diagnosis, pointing out that with the entry into force of these tariffs "it is quite clear that the Trade conflict is now real "

The escalating trade tensions between the United States and its trading partners jumped in the final hours of the US president's incendiary rhetoric, Donald Trump facts, turning the conflict into a "real" commercial war after the entry into force of tariffs imposed by the United States on Chinese products and the immediate response of the "giant" Asian, according to the badysts consulted by Europa Press ]

(Commercial) War is under way, "experts at ING Financial Research recognize, warning that the first skirmishes of the conflict, with an exchange of protectionism and retaliation of limited scope, after the entry into force of US tariffs on products from China worth $ 34 billion (29 billion euros) and the symmetrical response announced by Beijing, will not be the last. "We fear that there is still more to come," badysts said the "orange entity".

They warn against the clashes in Mexico due to the trade war between China and the United States

notes that trade tensions between EU and China have reached "the point of triggering hostilities" with the introduction of measures, retaliation and new announcements of new measures. "A negative scenario, but that should not be a surprise, because the United States has already challenged the G7 by not signing the release of a meeting in which he was," he adds [19659007] Bart Hordijk, badyst at Monex Europe accepts the diagnosis, noting that with the entry into force of these tariffs "it is quite clear that the trade dispute is now real."

The threats were not hollow and it is shown that Trump's commercial rhetoric was more than a simple trading tactic. The only question is whether China will now counterattack with all its firepower, "says Hordijk.

In this sense, "it is impossible to know how the trade war will evolve since Friday," recognizes Raoul. Leering, head of international badysis of ING Financial Research, pointing out that if Trump goes ahead in the spiral of restrictive measures "the US economy will join the rest of the world by undergoing the negative consequences on GDP . "


In fact, in the worst case provided by the Dutch entity, in which the EU imposes an additional tax of 20% on imports from all countries and all of them react with similar retaliation on US goods and services, the US economy would experience a cumulative decline in activity three times greater than the rest of the world in just 24 months [194] 59020] [19659007] However, in its badysis, ING argues that "China is more affected than the EU because it exports more to the United States than Europe".

China accuses the United States of initiating the biggest trade war "

Julián Cubero, meanwhile, stressed that" what should happen is a return to the rules , a reform of these multilateral rules, which is true that they can be improved, "although he acknowledges that" this does not seem the way that will follow ", warning that the problem is that it is not possible it seems that we are going to have more bilateralism, more doubts, more uncertainties and that in the long run it's bad. "As long as we continue in this circle of measures, retaliation, new measures, the incentive to renegotiate is more diffuse, "adds the expert of BBVA Research .

Regarding the evolution of the trade dispute, d & # 39; 39, ING Financial Research, indicates two ways to end the trade war, including acceptance by joint partners American mercy of US conditions or because US resistance to Trump's policies is too strong, Notably, Leering recognizes that " there is little room for optimism that it will happen soon", since The badessment of Trump's policy is on the rise.


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