Murdered another social leader, this time in Caquetá


The murdered leader was 35 years old, he was also president of a community action committee of Cartagena del Chairá and vice president of the Campesino badociation of Caquetá.

The wave of violence caused by paramilitary groups a serious situation of insecurity in the country. Unknown and hooded guns put an end to the life of social leader Alexander Castellano Triana, vice-president of the Peasant Association for the Protection of the Environment who led projects for ranger families In Cartagena del Chairá, Caquetá

Vargas rejected this new crime against the peasant leaders of the region and demanded that the national government take urgent measures for the protection of the other Caquetá chiefs who were threatened by armed and paramilitary groups

When he and his wife went on a motorcycle to the municipality's headquarters to attend a meeting with the environmental institutions and the town hall, the killing was perpetrated by armed men who were on the move on a motorcycle and covered their faces with ponchos. 19659003] The local president added: "he was part of a union for environmental protection and advanced in investment projects for remote families and deforestation areas in order to receive support from the national government . "

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