The hour of news from Ecuador, its provinces and the world


The president proposes the complex as the seat of the new university of indigenous knowledge.

The government will begin proceedings to request the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) to restore the building it occupies in the center of the world, located about 12 kilometers north of Quito.

Yesterday, the president, Lenin Moreno, emphasized that this organization "no longer fulfilled any task". Eight years after its creation, 6 of the 12 members retired due to disagreements.

"We are going to let the Unasur pbad in another space anyway," said Moreno, "because at some point he will come back. between equal peoples, integration is easy and very productive. "

The building, whose construction cost about $ 44 million, had been handed over by former president, Rafael Correa, as a donation to the agency, the member countries agree to return it to the Ecuadorian State

At a meeting with the indigenous sector in Latacunga, Cotopaxi, Moreno badured that "the task of the indigenous university will be accomplished", which was applauded by the rulers of various nationalities

"We are working on the reconstruction of the Amawtay Wasi public university, of a community and intercultural nature, in accordance with its reality and in accordance with its needs," he added. institution was "definitely suspended" because of lack of academic quality in 2013.

Other Options
The presidential announcement had the support of the Assembly. "We will have to look for something to do. useful for something that cost so much millio ns to Ecuadorians, "said Christian Reyes, Cristina Reyes. And he said that he should "watch out for those who did this mega-job using public resources". For its part, Homero Castanier, head of the CREO caucus, suggested that the government sell this property to recover the investment

of the member countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru) . ) left Unasur last April because of the lack of consensus to choose a new general secretary

others suggest that it should serve as a museum or cultural center. Of the correísta bloc, Soledad Buendía said that "we must exhaust the last actions so that these regional processes are reinforced and not to support so that they are destroyed."

However, the official Noralma Zambrano replied that what President Moreno said this can not be considered as a first step to make UNASUR disappear. "In our country, we must render the utility to all the buildings of the State."

Nina Pacari, exjueza of the Constitutional Court, attributes the situation that crosses this body, invented by the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, this political ambition outweighed the interests of the states. "They behaved more like politicians," he said, "and did not really think about a South American issue of cohesion." (RVD)

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