Unasur lacks funds and loses construction in Ecuador


The South American Union of Nations (UNASUR), created 10 years ago and currently chaired by Bolivia, seems to have its numbered days. A document signed by the chief of staff of the international organization, Yuri Chillán, reveals the liquidation of the agency before the end of the month.

"Taking into account that as of July 30 of the current year there are not enough resources available In an official letter addressed to the Bolivian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs , Maria del Carmen Almendras, coordinator of Unasur for Bolivia

this article was reproduced in the digital newspaper 4Pelagatos of Quito, Ecuador, where he found the seat of the presidency of this body [19659002] The Times sought out Vice Chancellor Almendras' La Paz to give his version of the situation, but he did not succeed, they indicated that they would consult the case at higher levels and that the Vice Chancellor was not there.

Meanwhile, yesterday the Ecuadorian President, Lenin Moreno, announced that he would be destined to an indigenous university and that Unasur would be transferred to a university. other offices, according to the newspaper of this country El Comercio.

During this t emps, in the office of Chillán, according to 4Pelagatos, there is a detailed summary of "suffocating" and the already unbearable situation "of Unasur. It shows how the only countries contributing to the body of organisms are Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname; the last two with late contributions from 2017. In total, from what is seen in the documents, they barely reached $ 222,332. This reached, according to the digital newspaper citing "close sources", for the maintenance of the building that, only in the electricity bills, paid this year 70 thousand dollars.

"Not even Venezuela, which is supposed to be the country In other words, Ecuador will have to determine what he has to do with the building and with the national staff working there" adds Chillán. 19659002]


Unasur officially lives life in May 2008, but this year, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Paraguay decided to leave the agency. standardization "in the organization.

Huanacuni has repeatedly denied the abandonment and said that all countries and governments are committed to Unasur because" it is our regional natural forum for political dialogue. "However, the political crisis and the lack of contributions seem to have given a blow to the body.


The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, announced yesterday that the building where the headquarters of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) in Quito for over three years has been building will cost $ 45 million, will be destined for the University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples.

"We are in the process of performing the restoration procedures of the building," said Moreno, according to the Ecuadorian newspaper El Comercio: The building, financed by Ecuador under the regim The name of Rafael Correa is named after Néstor Kirchner, former President of Argentina.

Moreno said that "the lack of consensus among the countries that make up Unasur has forced half of them to abandon it. "

He added, however, that they will move Unasur to another space" because at one point he will live again because we are integrationist. "

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