The prosecutor demands the trial of the former president of Saludcoop Carlos Palacino by Peculado – Investigación – Justicia


In just four years the former President of Saludcoop Carlos Gustavo Palacino Antía allegedly embezzled nearly 400,000 million pesos which were to be intended for the service of patients and which ended up financing other investments liquidated EPS.

The Prosecutor's hypothesis that led to the former director of the country's largest PSE, imprisoned at La Picota Prison, was sued for the offense of misappropriation by appropriation in favor of third parties, Palacino Antía was captured on 9 March to be heard in interrogation and after evaluating this testimony and practiced other tests, especially the badysis, for which he could pay a fee. He was sentenced to more than 17 years in prison if he was found guilty.

the accounting and finance of the EPS, the prosecutor of the case considered that there was sufficient evidence to formally charge him and order him to remain deprived of his freedom because of the seriousness the facts and the possibility that he can leave the country.

Prior to his capture, the former director had his residence in the United States.

"He allegedly embezzled the para-fiscal resources of the Saludcoop EPS administrator to increase the company's badets in domestic and foreign investments, fixed badets, the appropriation of voluntary reserves and expenditures or operations economic, unrelated to the health service, at the expense of the UPC (Capitation Payment Unit), "said the Office of the Prosecutor.More precisely, the researchers point out that the money from the State was delivered to Saludcoop to serve the seven million members that EPS had, was used in investments at the national level and countries like Mexico and Ecuador, loans to civil servants, the acquisition of facilities and equipment, among others.

He allegedly embezzled the parafiscal resources of the administrator Saludcoop EPS to increase the pa In the survey there is evidence of 9, send about 4,000 million pesos for projects in Mexico and other resources to expand the EPS to Ecuador where they established the headquarters called Cruz Blanca

Irregularities for which Palacino Antía will respond judicially correspond to facts recorded between 2000 and 2004 and against it there is another investigation for similar situations during the period 2004-2010. This second procedure is conducted as part of the new criminal accusatory system in which the former director has already been summoned for questioning and for which he could be summoned.
In its decision, the prosecution warned that different expenses, as mentioned, "must be done by investing the profits of the BPA and other own resources, and not because of the sums that the". State allocates to system affiliates. "

Investigations into the mistreatment in the PES began in the prosecutor's office in 2004 and only until now are fundamental decisions made in processes that were paralyzed during the administration of the 39; former Attorney General Luis Eduardo Montealegre, who was questioned by the few advances in this case and because before arriving at the prosecutor's office. Adviser of Saludcoop.

After the relay in the accusing body, the prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez created a special working group badigned to the Directorate of the fight against corruption, which canceled in November 2016 two previous decisions that had favored Palacino Antía and

For this kind of mismanagement of the affiliates' money, the former director had already been sanctioned by the Attorney General who had dismissed him and l & # 39; 39, disqualified for 18 years and taxed by the Office of the Controller. condemned with other exdirectivos and exfuncionarios of the EPS to the payment of 1,4 trillion.

The lawyer Hernán Gonzalo Jiménez Barrero, who represents the ex-"zar" of Saludcoop, maintained that only until next week will notify the decision of the Prosecutor's Office but there is no evidence of corruption because the money was invested in the same company.

Sufficient explanations and the prosecutor's office was shown how the resources were spent. This money was not withdrawn from the company, it was not poured into the pockets of a manager, this money was used in the infrastructure of the EPS which was taken over by the state and then sold, "he said. fb_pixel_id = 359534717784560;
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