Twitter suspended 70 million suspicious accounts in two months


Twitter has suspended in over two months more than 70 million accounts suspected of spreading false information, as part of its fight against malicious activities, said the Washington Post.

According to the American newspaper, which cites data confirmed by the social network, the average suspensions is more than a million a day and peaked in mid-May, when over 13 million Doubtful accounts were suspended in a single week.

The trend continues in July, according to the newspaper

The main social networks, with Facebook and Twitter in the lead, have developed stricter rules for political advertising, after criticism for their "laxity". the proliferation of false information during the 2016 US election campaign. In many cases, messages were published by "bots" (automatic accounts) or accounts in Russia.

In February, US justice accused 13 Russian citizens of having participated in an "information war" against the United States on social media, to favor Donald Trump ahead of his competitor Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Special Attorney Robert Mueller conducted an investigation to determine whether the Trump campaign team has voluntarily teamed up with the Russian authorities to promote the election of the millionaire, something that Trump denies.

Tter gets rid of fake accounts at record speed, "wrote Saturday the US president on the social network that he uses daily, while wondering if the New York Times and the Washington Post, two newspapers that He often attacks for the cover of their policies, they will be part of the lot.

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