Additional payment on the invoice for protection of water sources


Housing Minister Camilo Sánchez Ortega and Environment Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo signed the decree that will increase investment to ensure adequate protection of basins and water sources. In water in Colombia.

This implies that every Colombian would pay with his bill, for every cubic meter, a peso for the protection of water sources. In other words, what the average clbad would pay on average 100 pesos, on a bill of 140 000 pesos

According to Sánchez Ortega, "the new standard adds tariffs lower than 1% and will generate 20 times more than resources that are today. One day, companies providing public services for water supply and sanitation are affected, in order to ensure long-term water supply. "

The signing of the regulation, which now pbades to the presidential sanction, was carried out during the Twentieth National and International Congress of the National Association of Public Service and Communication Enterprises (Andesco), whose central theme is green growth.

"We signed this decree because service providers have been thinking for many years of alternative to be able to move forward without aggressively impacting the rate paid by users", said Sánchez Ortega

"This regulation with the Sustainable Development Goals of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development -Ocde, where we consider that natural resources are limited and that we must protect them as best as possible so that future generations have more opportunities, "he added. Minister of Housing.

Once the initiative has obtained the presidential sanction, the Ministry of Housing will indicate the period during which the Commission for the Regulation of Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation (CRA) will have establish the necessary regulations to incorporate the costs and the Superintendency. Utilities Defines the mechanism for inspection, monitoring and control of these services.

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