President Alvarado swears in 250 athletes who will be in Barranquilla 2018 – Nuestro País Digital Newspaper


The President of Costa Rica swore 130 men and 120 women, to whom he reminded that they represent the best of the country with their efforts, their discipline, their dedication and their love for what they do.

"When you want the country and want what is there, there is not more strength and pbadion than love and you represent all Costa Ricans in these games (…) Costa Rica needs to push for excellence "

Costa Rica will participate in 23 disciplines: swimming , water polo, athletics, badminton, handball, bowling, boxing, cycling, horseback riding, fencing, football, gymnastics, rugby, taekwondo, archery, sport shooting, triathlon and indoor volleyball.

"You represent the effort of a country that has challenges and difficulties, because it has been said that it is not something that happens overnight, but that has to do with perseverance, the effort of months and years, of childhood, to get up early, to take a diet, to make sacrifices. economic, to balance the study with sport, "said Alvarado.

After the ceremony, the first lady, Claudia Dobles, announced that the champion in the game will be the cyclist Andrey Fonseca Ureña, national champion of Mountain Bike XC, in 2016 and 2017.

"It's an honor for me to introduce to Andrey who will distinguish us in the inaugural parade of the games, wearing the flag of Costa Rica ] Thank you to him and to all the delegation for their love and their commitment to the national colors. We wish them the greatest success, "said Dobles at the official ceremony

The event was held at the headquarters of the Olympic Committee, located in San Jospe, where the Minister of Sports, Hernán Solano , also participated, the director of the Sports Institute of Costa Rica, Alba Quesada, the ambbadador of Colombia to Costa Rica Ricardo Lozano and the President of the Olympic Committee , Henry Núñez

The XXIIIth Central America and Caribbean Games will be held in Barranquilla, Colombia, from July 19 to August 3, 2018, where delegations from 37 countries of the region will participate. ACAN-EFE Window [19659013] .___ gcfg = {lang: -fr-US & # 39;
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