Faría considers it necessary to move forward in the search for solutions to deal with hyperinflation


Photo: With the kind permission of lacalle.com.ve

(Caracas, July 8, News24) .- With the generation of contributions and the promotion of reflective debates, the IV Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), scheduled between July 28 and 30, will contribute to the implementation of corrective measures in the economic zone, said Jesús Faría, national leader of the political organization.

In an interview with the Dialogue Con program, broadcast by Televen, He pointed out that the highest governing body will focus on strengthening ties with the people, protected by ideology and the Organization, fundamental aspects of Psouv design.

"The Psuv must respond to the situations that affect the people to be in agreement with the people and develop a popular movement that gives strength to the Revolution," Faría said.

He said that, despite the difficulties the nation is experiencing as a result of the economic war, Venezuelans believe that the national government, headed by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, is "the only one who can solve the problems. economic problems without subjecting the population to greater drama ".

This conviction, Faría emphasized, strengthens the actions of the PSUV a party organization which, in the period of "new beginning", announced by the head of state, is called to guarantee the continuation of the Bolivarian Revolution and to strengthen government management. "The Congress will raise issues related to the economic situation, the fight against corruption, as well as mechanisms to strengthen ties between the people and the state," he said.

The ANC catapults the Revolution

He stressed that in the new government period 2019-2025, the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) will be revitalized through the community approach and development of a "powerful structure" according to the great tasks of the Bolivarian Revolution.

"The ANC will go to the streets to confront the people and give them tools, we will be in the streets to catapult the Revolution and to vitalize the people," he said.

According to information from AVN

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