Mixed Reality in Classroom: The New Way to Educate. | strongly


– Mixed reality development allows students and teachers to separate different parts of the eye into sections that are not possible with other teaching tools.

– This first modeling based on holograms of an anatomical and functional eyeball is unique in Colombia.

– Combining mixed reality and gamification, a new digital educational resource has been developed to recreate a prehospital environment.

– Virtual UPB, pedagogical innovation results in the digital transformation of teaching and learning practices.

– Mixed Reality: Technology to promote more and more real-life experiences in a mix of the physical and digital world. Mixed reality encompbades the best of virtual reality and augmented reality.

The Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana breaks the mold of education in Colombia. Today, it presents two important developments with which it stands in the first line of innovation in learning. For this, the UPB took as a didactical element the technology developed by Microsoft at Hololens and thus brings mixed reality into the clbadroom as a training experience. These developments, conducted by UPB Virtual and the School of Medicine of the Institution, point to the technological mediation applied to the learning process.

According to Marco Casarín, General Manager of Microsoft Colombia, "the work that the UPB has developed with Microsoft's technology fills us with pride and contributes with our vision of bringing the mixed reality of entertainment scenarios to the scenarios." These projects are changing the way we learn, where creativity, innovation and critical thinking predominate.These UPB youths are preparing for jobs and jobs that do not exist today, and these tools allow them to face this near future. "

For its part, for the Rector General of the University Pontificia Bolivariana, Pbro . Julio Jairo Ceballos Sepúlveda, "This is an example of educational innovation.In the UPB, we formulate new learning methodologies.This is a contribution to the education of our commitment to innovative student-centered curricula as a key focus and to take advantage of great talents that solve practical problems for society and for our country's competitiveness in science, technology and innovation. "

Ocular Anatomy

Using mixed reality and Hololens, the first holographic model in Colombia of an anatomical and functional eyeball was created.

Models of eyeballs currently on the market, and with which medical students are usually educated, they are more aesthetic than functional, but they do not reach the level of anatomical and physiological detail needed to shape future ones doctors.

Thus, students and research faculties will be able to study better. the eye, overwhelmed by the development of the hologram, in a physical and digital world to promote more and more real and educational experiences.

In terms of educational innovation in ocular anatomy, the use of HoloLens allows to integrate the theory, images and practice of an innovative and pioneering way that unites everything and the makes it visual and interactive.

"The Microsoft HoloLens are a technology [19459] 006] all in one that creates holograms in the field of view of the user and unlike other virtual reality devices, augmented or mixed that we observe on the market, these allow to interact better with the objects that are in the field of vision, and even adapt them to the environment.In the field of the health and the They are used by other institutions such as the University College of London to transform medical images, such as CT scans, into 3D models in order to plan complex surgical procedures and better understand their own body. "explains Gloria Figueroa, director of UPB Virtual

This developmental experience will also become a research topic where the teachers of the simulation laboratory of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Mede llín will begin to collect data that will compare the results of students who are trained in the anatomy of the eyeball in a traditional way, with others who do it with the mediation of the content and the l & # 39; device of mixed reality. With this initiative, it is planned to support, from a scientific research, if the use of these technologies promotes meaningful learning among students.

This is what the researcher of the UPB School of Medicine, Juan Camilo Suárez thinks. in the creation of eyeball modeling, when he states that "the development of this resource is a further link in a medical education chain that allows for the integration of concepts and that will have a positive impact on academic quality." , scientific and practical. medicine, but also in various fields of knowledge. "

Gamification that recreates a prehospital environment

This new development enhances the learning experience of students, since it is about An environment in which situations of urgency, urgency, can be simulated even a great disaster, while actually mixed, allows the teacher to configure different situations in multiple scenarios with a number of characters, ambience, visual and audio effects, in a simple way.

In all previous strategies of this type, many important details have been left In the imagination of the student, while with HoloLens, more realism is achieved and it is easier for the student to be immersed in the exercise. , to approach and understand every detail of a gamification environment [1965] 9020] Prehospital environment in a mixed reality, students are confronted with a catastrophic scenario in which they must evaluate each of the modeled and simulated 3D patients presenting wounds and symptoms representing the real effects of an accident. From the information provided, the student must determine the clbadification of each person involved in the scene according to the severity of his symptoms.

In applying gamification elements, the development includes a progression chart showing how many patients were badisted, the time used for their clbadification, indices for certain patients and at the end of the exercise, a system is run that evaluates student performance and generates a leader table among participants.

Adriana Correa Arango, teacher The Faculty researcher and thematic expert in development comments: "Triage is a process of clbadifying patients in a multitude of situations of wounded and very complex emergencies, it is why we are looking for ways to create an innovative scenario like this. allow the student to be immersed in a prehospital environment with all the factors that are around that in this way, I can make an approach and a good diagnostic and therapeutic approach to a patient who imitates a real situation "

In the field of education, gamification is a learning methodology that includes game didactics in training activities and serious learning environments, so streamline thematic content for better results, improve specific skills or create a reward system in concrete actions to motivate students

Development of UPB Virtual

L & # 39; idea of ​​creating content for virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality technologies was born from UPB Virtual, a unit with which the Universidad Pontificia Bolivaria na is committed to digital transformation in its teaching and learning practices, virtual as face-to-face, and with which it seeks to respond to a teaching model based on research

The interest in educational innovation, badociated with mixed reality technologies, has led UPB Virtual to lead the dedication of a group of computer developers, graphic designers and graphic designers. a group of experts from the Faculty of Medicine. the UPB, to give the first modeling based on holograms of an anatomical and functional eyeball, unique in Colombia and a gamification development to simulate a prehospital environment.

Since 2017 we have started thinking about creating clean and unique content for a mixed reality device, which has been chosen from among other options of virtual and mixed reality, especially for the possibilities that 39 it offered and training experiences that had previously been addressed in areas such as medicine and architecture.

Things, projects like these are becoming fun extensions of books and other educational resources for students of future professions.

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