Ivan Sosa wins his third victory of the season at the Tour de Sibiu


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July 08, 2018 – 04:43 pm
2018-07-08 By:

El País editorial – with information on Fedeciclismo

The Colombian Ivan Ramiro Sosa Cuervo won the general victory of the Sibiu Cycling Tour, thus realizing the domination of Androni Sidermec in the Romanian race who also conquered his former teammate Egan Bernal in 2017.

Sosa crowned his triumph after a strong performance in the stage of 91 kilometers with Balea Lake final, where he has outclbaded the Russian block of Gazprom Rusvelo, with Aleksander Vlasov, current champion of the Giro d'Italia Sub-23, leading the training.

The second fraction, which also promised the spectacle on the mountain, could not be disputed because of the climatic adversities which forced the organization to cancel it. anticipate possible accidents due to intense rain and hail during the day.

However, the closing of the competition has kept a chapter of great interest for the aspirants to the title with a time trial for teams of 9.6 kilometers, in which with great strength the Cundinamarqués and his team could defend the leadership and, later, get up with the final victory.

For Sosa was his third triumph (the second in a row) after the conquest of the Bihor Tour (also Romanian) and the nascent Adriatic Ionic Race 2.1 of Italy

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