Santos sanctions Monday the Statute of the Opposition


– President Juan Manuel Santos will sanction on Monday the law that establishes the status of the opposition. It will do so in the act of accountability of the Ministry of the Interior.

The Head of State and Interior Minister, Guillermo Rivera Flórez, will present the achievements of the political portfolio during these eight years of government.

the opposition, which was promoted by this government, includes guarantees for political organizations that declare their opposition to the national, county, municipal or district government.

With this law, the Colombian state fulfills a promise of the 1991 Constitution, which determines the rights, guarantees and actions of the opposition. Among the issues covered by this statute are funding, a position on the executive board of the plenary of state-owned enterprises, access to the media, the protection of the rights of the opposition, discussions on the implementation Development plans at the national level President Santos will hold a conversation in which the wide and historical participation of Colombians in the last electoral processes of the Congress and the Presidency of the Republic, the strengthening of ethnic groups, will be underlined. processes of democratic empowerment of women and youth in the country, tools to improve the attention to the population victim of the armed conflict and extensive legislation developed for the implementation of the Agreement of peace.

will perform at Plaza Nunez of the Casa de Nariño at 11:00 am and will be broadcast live Institutional Channel and via streaming on the page and the social networks of the entity.

Installation of the VIIth Colombian Notary Congress

Before the balance of the Ministry of the Interior, the Head of State will participate in the installation of the VII Congress of Colombian Notaries, " A technological change with legal security ", to be held in the Red Hall of the Tequendama Hotel at 9:45

The Congress will be held from 9 to 11 July Topics such as the function fedataria, the role of the notary in the peace process, the public document and the electronic document, biometrics as a technological means of identifying people and the fight against money laundering and money laundering will be addressed. [19659003] The Superintendent of Notary and Registration, Jairo Alonso Mesa, will also attend the opening of the meeting; the president of the Collegiate Union of Colombian Notaries, Álvaro Rojas Charry; Cabinet members, Attorney General of the Nation, Néstor Humberto Martínez; the National Director of Civil Status, Juan Carlos Galindo; dignitaries of the High Courts, members of the Congress of the Republic, notaries of the country and national and international guests.

The event will be transmitted via the Institutional Chain, the website of the Presidency of the Republic and the social networks of the entity.


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