Pedro Carreño threatened to demolish the bridges over the Magdalena


Constituent Pedro Carreño warned that if Colombia attacks Venezuela, "the Fanb demolish the bridges of Magdalena."

Carreño made such statements in an interview during a television program this Sunday. The settlor has warned that this would be a reaction in case of aggression from Colombia to our country. "The first action of the Air Force is that they demolish these seven bridges of the Magdalena ."

The official said that Juan Manuel Santos, president of Colombia, did not demonstrate the strength to fulfill the mission "He went out complaining like Uribe."

He also said that President Hugo Chávez "let us protect the revolution, from the point of view of territorial defense."

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End of the aggression against Venezuela

In the same vein, he argued that the government should take measures of war to prevent aggression

. against organizations and web pages. Carreño blames some portals for the crisis situation that the country is going through. He felt that the government of Nicolás Maduro should act and not wait for a coup d'etat. "We can not wait for them to overthrow us, we are in war scenarios and we have to give them this treatment," he reiterated. He badured that the TSJ and the Office of the Prosecutor should not wait for the appeals to be made. He asked the two agencies for action against those responsible for the economic war and inflation.

On top of that, Carreño declared that the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and its Ubch would be integrated into the protracted war

"The Venezuelan people are ready to fight and defend the country against the attacks constant destabilizing sectors. "

The People's War

He announced that the PSUV will join the protracted People's War with 1,200 battalions. "We have 2,500 experts in the operators in Iglar who is a weapon that demolishes an airplane."

He said that the Venezuelan opposition and the media must understand the difficult situation and that the political and economic situation must be confronted with resistance. 19659004] In political matters, he declares that at the end of July the deputies of the National Assembly meet half of the period. He did not rule out that they are asking for a recall referendum with 20% of the signatures.


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