Suárez: "We finished fifth in the World Cup, the best in South America" ​​- – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


Uruguayan striker Luis Suárez positively badessed the participation of the Celestial Team at the World Cup in Russia, in which they finished in fifth place and obtained the best result of all the South-American teams. US.

"We came in the national team, and we finished fifth in the World Cup, the best in South America, and that's something we need to value," he said on Monday. Carrasco airport, located in the suburbs of Montevideo, the return of the national team. ] The Uruguayan team has been received by thousands of people despite the fact that it took place around 3:30 am (local time), something for Suarez is "a pride" and is a sign that " the team did a good game. "

For his part, the captain of the Uruguayan national team, Diego Godín, stressed that his team made" a big World Cup "despite the fact not to realize the dream "huge" to win the Cup urugans followers We waited the first hours of the morning to welcome the team.

"We were in a match to be in the semi-finals of a World Cup, we were in fifth position (…) we did a great World Cup, we aspired, of course, the dream and aspiration is always the maximum but the balance is positive and we have very good feelings because I think that in general, nice things have been lived, "said Godin [19659005]. Hours to the football players and when they saw them arrive they received them with songs like the popular "I am Celeste", flags and posters of gratitude to the football players and the coach, Óscar Tabárez

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