Murder of the godson of Clara López


The authorities of Bogotá opened the investigation to find those responsible for the murder of the young Faustino Chávez, aged 21, who was killed with a firearm while he was being killed. he was doing an exercise in a park in the district of Capellanía, this Sunday afternoon, with two friends

According to police information, apparently at that time there was an exchange of words with three other young people who arrived at the place. One of them fired a gun and shot him

The student was taken to a health center in Fontibón, where he arrived without vital signs.

" corresponding investigations by the judicial police to identify and advance the capture of the aggressors of this citizen ", said the commander Carlos Alberto Valencia, commander of the police of Fontibon

. , police say, it will enhance security in city parks.

With extreme pain and indignation recorded that insecurity hit very close. They murdered my godson this afternoon when he was playing sports in his neighborhood park. I kiss with all my love Faustino Chávez and the whole family for such a tragedy.

– Clara López Obregón (@ClaraLopezObre) July 9, 2018

" A reinforcement is underway in the theme that concerns parks, the location of auxiliary police officers, in order to avoid"

Clara López Obregón, former Vice President of Humberto de La Calle, denounced the murder of Faustino Chávez According to López, he was attacked while he was playing sports in his neighborhood park, near Fontibón

" C & # 39; is a 20 year old boy who was playing sports in a park near his home. The father was called to tell him that his son had been wounded "said López

López, who is close to the Chavez family, called the killing of the young man insecure and said that she and her family are devastated: " It is a fact of insecurity as many who strike the families of Bogota every day ."

He added: " We must see what can be done, because he does not know One how to react Faustino was like one of my sons (…) His father is devastated, like the whole family . "

It is expected that in the next few hours the body of the young man will be delivered to his parents by forensic medicine.

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