Paramilitary in Murindó, Antioquia | ELESPECTADOR.COM


Fredy Urón, representative of the municipality, insists on the reorganization of the self-defense groups in the region. "Carmen del Darien's jurisdiction is full of paramilitaries," he says.

Last Saturday evening, around 9:30, a vocal note put an end to the dream of the inhabitants of Murindo municipality of Urabá Antioquia. In the audio, Fredy Urón character of the city, informed that, according to information provided by the inhabitants of the region, "more than 100 men, apparently from a group of "Self-defense" was focusing on the cemetery for "apparently beginning an armed incursion."

In audio, Urón asked the other municipal representatives to contact "urgently" all authorities to deal with an "imminent" and serious situation that compromised the civilian population. "The worst was feared In the area there are members of the Ernesto Che Guevara front of Eln dissidents of Farc and members of Clan del Golfo ]

A few hours later, and because of the alarm generated by the voice note, members of the security forces carried out an emergency patrol in the area. "We have already checked the information and we have no news, this information is discarded," said Colonel Jerson Fajardo commander of the police Urabá Read also : Mbadacre of San José de Apartadó, between JEP and ordinary justice

In dialogue with El Espectador Fredy Urón, representative of the municipality of Murindó reiterates that his complaints are founded: "Since there was no confrontation, they say that I was According to Urón "last week, groups of self-defense groups intercepted the boat which was responsible for bringing the inhabitants to the municipality to warn the inhabitants of the region that They were present in the area (…) a person from the area badures me that one of his brothers joined a group of paramilitaries who are within the jurisdiction of Carmen del Darien and that this one is full of paramilitaries and "

The personero ensures that in recent weeks, these groups have increased the recruitment of young people." The day before yesterday, I I had to intervene so that a boy who already had everything ready to leave, until the camouflaged could, do not leave, because the family asked me to convince him that this n & # 39; Was not the case and the boy reacted and did not leave for this group. " In addition: The agreements to survive the war in the Carare

And Murindó is a breeding ground for armed groups to find soldiers for the war.According to a study by the Ministry of Housing, of the City and Territory (Minivivienda), and of the Institute of Urban Studies (IEU) of the National University charged with badyzing the plans of territorial planning, this municipality has 98% of basic needs unfulfilled due to the excessive growth it has suffered.In addition, there is extreme poverty of 95.14%. "

Why Murindó is important for groups armed?

"First, because it's a corridor to the Gulf of Urabá by where they can have narcotics." Second, the rivalry between far-left groups such as Eln and the far right Clan del Golfo or Gaitanist self-defense of Colombia for territorial control.And third, it is a rich region in natural resources.On the one hand, leftist groups oppose the entry of multinationals and mining, but the paramilitaries show that they 're sure. with the multinationals to expel the territories and facilitate the exploitation of resources, "explains Urón. Read: According to the NYT, three witnesses would connect Santiago Uribe to the group Los 12 Apóstoles

Have you received any threats?

"Today somebody said that I 've gotten it. audio that I saw Saturday was in their power (self defense groups). I'm scared, I'm not here, I come from Norte de Santander, I came to the municipality by merit contest. To leave the municipality, the only road is the Atrato River and one goes out to a village called Brisas, which is part of Belén de Bajirá and is said to be controlled by paramilitary groups

. the municipality there are militias. You know who they are, but you dare not denounce them with your own name because there is no guarantee. "

Do you have any special security measures?

No, actually I already had threats At the beginning of the year the answer was unsatisfactory The Mayor had to beg me to put a policeman at the door of the house, I am also worried because an army colonel says that the audio I sent him drunk, as if discrediting the information he it seems to me a supreme gravity that a member of the public force says it. "

In the context: Murder of the social leaders: Who is responsible?

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