Sampaoli won the first round: will lead the U20 in a tournament in Valencia


BUENOS AIRES.- One hour of conversation after which the current scenario has not changed. The president and the first vice-president of the Argentine Football Association (AFA), Claudio Tapia and Daniel Angelici respectively, met with the technical director of the l & # 39; national team, Jorge Sampaoli to evaluate the future of this after the elimination of the World Cup. The coach has received transitional support from the best leaders of Argentine football.

The meeting took place in surprise, during the holiday season. At first, we thought it could have happened today or tomorrow. But Boca's president has preferred to move forward, as he went to the United States last night to accompany the "Xeneize" team during this part of the pre-season. Then they quoted the technician in the property that AFA has in the city of Buenos Aires of Ezeiza

There, according to an official statement issued by AFA, the three evaluated the performance of the national team in Russia. During the meeting, Tapia and Angelici agreed with Sampaoli to form the U20 team, which will play at the end of the month the Alcudia tournament, in the Spanish city of Valencia. He will do it instead of who until Friday had been his main collaborator, Sebastián Beccacece who resigned to badume, yesterday, the position of DT Defense and Justice. Indeed, during his presentation, the former collaborator of Sampaoli spoke, inter alia, of his relationship with the technician and Lionel Messi . "I could always talk to Jorge, as part of my private life, because I consider it a valuable badet, I have never discussed it before a football player, I've never caught a d & # 39; 39, pineapple. "Accompanied, and what I had to say, I told him in person," he said, to scuttle the version of a supposed fight with the DT. "It was wonderful to share with Messi, for what he represents at the football level and as a person.It is something that I take in. In every practice, I have had a smile, "he added.

The future of Sampaoli at the head of the national team will be evaluated again at the end of the month by the leaders of the AFA Executive Committee. "The leaders will conduct a joint badessment of how the coaching process has been up to now," the statement added.

Sources close to the coach pointed out that it was an informative meeting. "They did not say" we have to leave, "they badured, to refute the different journalistic versions about the possible departure of the coach, 58.

New Plan

The same sources said that Sampaoli exposed his position to the leaders after the elimination.He would also have explained the reasons why his coaching staff was disarmed and would have submitted his plan "60 + 6 ", Which concerns a deep renewal of the national team and the monitoring of a group of players with a future selection.Also according to sources close to the technician, he described the meeting as" interesting ", but he has ratified that he will not leave his post without being invited by a leader of the AFA.

The national team was eliminated on Saturday 30 of last month, when she lost 4- 3 in the second round against France The team led by Messi is qualified e for this phase of agony, imposing 2-1 against Nigeria in the last group match. He had already tied 1-1 with Iceland and lost 3-0 against Croatia. (DPA-Special)

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