"Recovering security is my obsession": Iván Duque


The elected President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, prepares the political and economic measures to begin implementing his government program when he takes power on August 7, while acknowledging that his "obsession" with the first day will be security

In an interview with EFE in Madrid, where he works for several days, Duque said that this week would complete the transition tasks with the current executive, the following will proceed to the public designation of his cabinet and will always book four days of "concentration" with his family before the investiture.

Read also: Ivan Duque will present to his presidential cabinet next Friday

At August 7, the important for Duque "is to quickly bademble a Government Vision We were elected with the highest vote in the history of Colombia, "he recalls.

One of the first steps will be to recover the presence of the Force Publique and to make a "marriage" of legality and justice. "Whoever does it pays."

"Force" against organized crime and good intelligence capacity to infiltrate and dismantle plots is necessary and for this – according to the president-elect – resources must be optimized for the army and the police , regain their confidence and morale and cooperate more with citizenship, so that there is greater territorial control.

It highlights the increase of illicit crops, "which became the main funding element of organized crime, with the Gulf clan, with FARC dissent, etc …"

"This Restoring security will be an obsession from the first day of government, "says Duque, who won the presidential election on June 17 for leftist Gustavo Petro.

It must be supplemented by tougher sentences in cases like corruption – "a big scourge in Latin America" ​​- so that it ends with "The house by jail and the reduction of sentences for the corrupt ones ".

And that the company that corrupts the officials knows that it will no longer be able to contract with the state, according to Iván Duque, for whom serious crimes such as rape and the murder of minors must be punished by the lifetime sentence.

On peace agreements, Ivan Duque admitted that they can not be destroyed, but they correct things that are badly done.

In particular, consider that the demobilization and disarmament of guerrillas must be preserved and guaranteed, the protection of those who have made the transition to peace and the public investments that have reached places affected by violence must be preserved. .

Among the factors to be corrected, according to Duque, from 2012 to today, he went from 50 000 hectares of coca to more than 200 000.

"It is necessary that the drug traffic is not a crime related to political crime and, therefore, amnesty, that the substitution and eradication of crops is mandatory and not voluntary and that there are sanctions against those who have hidden weapons and the In addition, it is necessary that in the field of transitional justice, it be guaranteed that In the economic field, Duque wants to promote an entrepreneurial culture, so that the growth is superior to the " mediocre 'three percent of these years and achieve' reactivate investment and job creation and business creation 'to achieve more than four.

The goal is also that this "marriage of legality and entrepreneurship translates into equity", so that in his four-year term, extreme poverty is defeated and a significant expansion of the middle clbad is recorded through more formal jobs.

And this with the support of innovation, because Duque wants to place Colombia in the digital economy and environmental sustainability, as he said last Friday during an intervention in a forum on the circular economy that took place in Madrid with the presence of the Nobel Prize in Economics and the former President of United States Barack Obama

Duque is critical of the eight-year term of Juan Manuel Santos: "We are receiving a country with many adversities, which has seen the culture of coca grow, violence against social leaders increased, illegal mining, poor growth and social programs that , for lack of better management, have lost their effectiveness. "

The President confirmed his intention to withdraw his country from the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), considering it as a fund of resonance. the Venezuelan dictatorship

declared that in Venezuela "there is a shameful dictatorship, a satrap who has devoted himself to destroy individual liberties, to persecute the opposition, to silence the press "and, moreover, has brought the economic crisis" more severe "in the history of the country.

"I will promote the withdrawal of Colombia from Unasur, it is a sounding board of dictatorship, we will support the disclosure of Luis Alm agro to investigate the dictator and his friends for their crimes and being in front of the International Criminal Court, "said Duque, after reminding that one million Venezuelans have moved to Colombia to escape the hardships of their country and many others are C & # 's This is why he advocated the establishment of a "humanitarian badistance fund" at the border and the search for a "temporary protection status" in a number of countries for to cope with this migratory flow, so that Colombia is not the only one to absorb it.

Iván Duque, visited the Santiago Bernabéu stadium yesterday, where he was received by the President of Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, who gave him a team shirt with his name.] Between preneuriat

Iván Duque, defended yesterday in Madrid a new economic model for his country, based on entrepreneurship, for what he considered as a fundamental reinforcement of the lega It's the real way to expand the middle clbad, "said Mr. Duque at a breakfast organized by the New Economy Forum, where he insisted that his government corrects an economic model" that will ensure the safety of investors. "

" We can not settle for less than 5% in Latin America, because it makes it difficult to make the transition to poverty reduction, "he said 19659029] Duque announced that in a week he will present the name of his ministers, who will be qualified, knowledgeable and knowledgeable people, who will not be there by political calculations.

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