In Bogotá, 11 cases of violence against children are reported daily


The death of two minors in southwestern Bogotá, apparently from his father, is only one of the few that has been made public and shows that violence against children persists

. This year, 289 miners died violently in the country, about two a day. / Getty Images

Violence against children in Bogota shocks the country again. At dawn yesterday, two minors – aged eight and twelve – lost their lives, apparently from their own father. The facts were recorded around 3:30 am and, according to early versions, the alleged filicide, after wounded the children with a knife, cut his neck and threw himself from the sixth floor of the building where he lived. , located in an area of ​​the Bonito district, in the city of Kennedy

(Lea: Two children are found dead in the south of Bogotá)

According to authorities, the man, who, He died of hours later in a wellness center, there was an attack on the children after a trial with his ex-partner, the children's mother, who reportedly indicated his intention to take them to Spain, where he has lived for seven years . The case sparked unrest, particularly among the group's residents, who warned the authorities before the alleged killer took life.

"Surveys indicate that on Sunday afternoon, the miners were with their mother, who expressed to the man the desire to take their children to Spain." Apparently, that's what that triggered this unfortunate event, "said Major Luis Miguel Morales, head of the criminal investigation of the police of children and adolescents of Bogotá

(Lea: The murderer of his two children is died in Bogotá)

The double badbadination evokes cases like that of a minor of barely three years old who, on April 29, would have been the victim of all sorts of aggressions and deasts. badual abuse in the city center. A few days later, another case was reported in a residential area in the Soacha municipality, where another minor, also three years old, died after being allegedly beaten by her father-in-law

. children, a drama that repeats itself)

These kinds of events are just a sample of the little that is made public and show that violence against children persists. According to the figures of the Forensic Medicine, until May 28, minors had died violently in the country, about two a day. There are only 26 cases of children and teenagers killed in the capital. When reviewing figures of child abuse, the entity warns that the number of children raped in 2018 stands at 4,538, an increase of 10% over cases that occurred up to May 2017, when they had 4,107 children. The capital is not doing well on this front either, because of three cases of violence against children, at least one case is reported in the capital (1 649 in total).

Faced with these situations, Professor Eduardo Villar, director of The Masters in Intervention in Human Systems of the Central University, warns of the complexity of identifying and preventing violence against minors. However, it indicates that everything is happening through education and the belief that parents must believe themselves the owners of their children, and even of their partners.

(Read also: Bogotá, one of the most violent cities) [19659005] "By adding that they are watching over the good of their children, many parents end up justifying aggression and ill-treatment It's a kind of subtle violence that seems to be permissible in families and in our culture, by the excuse or the idea that they educate each other, "Villar explains. , and explains the cases of manipulation and coercion that end up influencing intrafamily violence. Faced with this, the expert urges to work in prevention and education, but not only in minors, but also in adults, to identify among them the acts of violence and bad practices that end up in affect the environment of children. ] [ad_2]
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