Radio Havana Cuba | Relations between the Spanish government and Catalonia are normalized


Quim Torra and Pedro Sánchez

  Quim Torra and Pedro Sánchez

Madrid, Jul 10 (RHC) Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his counterpart in Catalonia Quim Torra have agreed to reactivate a commission Bilateral work suspended since 2011, after the arrival in power of the conservative Mariano Rajoy.

This was announced by the Spanish Vice President, Carmen Calvo, who described as useful and full of courtesy and fluidity the first formal meeting held Monday between the two presidents, to rebuild the deteriorated relations between Madrid and Barcelona, ​​Prensa Latina reports: "We are talking about seven years of disagreement that must stop," Calvo said at a press conference after the meeting of the two leaders La Presidential Palace Moncloa, which lasted a little over two and a half hours

As part of this normalization of links between the central executive and the Generalitat (self-government). tánán), this commission will be put in service that establishes the autonomous norm, remarcó.

According to the "number two" of the Government of Spain, the presidents agreed to have a fluid communication between them so that there is no short. "

Sánchez, who arrived in La Moncloa on June 1 after a motion of censure against Rajoy, harbaded by corruption scandals in his formation, the Popular Party (PP), promised to raise some vetoes According to Calvo, the Social Democratic leader is ready to withdraw the challenges presented to the Constitutional Court by the law then in force against regional laws related to energy poverty, climate change or universal health.

As expected, at the time of the 39; interview, Torra raised the right to self-determination of Catalonia, which on October 27, 2017 adopted a unilateral declaration of independence prohibited in advance by the Constitution, at the request of the PP

However, the general secretary of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party also transferred to the separatist politician the impossibility of accepting the right to decide the rich autonomous community the northeast, to not to be included in the Spanish Constitution

In this line, the head of the Socialist Executive recalled the status of autonomy (a kind of regional constitution), which regulates autonomy in Catalonia, and the high degree of decentralization. The president of the region also informed his host of the situation of the Catalan leaders in prison and in exile, accused by the Supreme Court of Rebellion and other crimes as a result of their participation in the proclamation of a Republic of Catalonia.

At the end of the meeting, Sánchez set him on Twitter as "point of departure const" A political crisis requires a political solution ", writes the Socialist in his account of this social network [19659005] In a precedent, he badured that it was necessary to "give a solution to the normalization of relations between the two administrations."

a step forward to restore normalcy in Spain, in the respect of the Constitution and the confidence that the institutional dialogue will open ways of understanding. "

(Prensa Latina)

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