Children saved in Thailand will not be able to attend the World Cup


FIFA President Gianni Infantino gave the 12 boys trapped in a cave on June 23 to attend the World Cup final on Sunday in Moscow, Russia. However, the medical profession that takes care of young people questions his journey

An Indian student holds a sign that says "Oh God saves our rising stars" in reference to the young footballers caught. AFP

] The members of the Wild Boar football team who were trapped in a cave in Thailand since June 23 will not be able to attend the World Cup final as scheduled . FIFA President Gianni Infantino had invited the group of young people to attend the match next Sunday to be rescued before the date. However, the medical staff that takes care of the 12 children and the coach have announced that, although they are evacuated and out of danger, they must remain under surveillance.

"They can not leave, they have to stay in the hospital for a while. "Thongchai Lertwilairatanapong, chief of the Thai Ministry of Health, said at a first press conference in which he gave details on the health of children.The children entered the cave two weeks ago , without food, and are weak, although overall their health status is considered good. "They will probably see him on TV," he told reporters at the hospital's Chiang Rai

Tuesday, as part of a large rescue operation, 12 children aged 11 to 16 were rescued in its entirety.On Sunday began evacuation work in which Five children were saved.In an agile maneuver, the others left when it was already dark in Thailand.The exercise was extended until this Tuesday. Read also: All children and coaches are saved [19659005BetweenthefloodedtunnelsandthenarrowpbadagesthroughwhichonehastosliptheroadwasfullofdifficultiesHisrescuewillputanendtoanoperationalcomplexthathasattractedworldwideattentiontriggeredmbadiveprayerdaysinThailandandbenefitedfromthecollaborationofexperienceddiversfromseveralcountries

The first surviving children underwent radiological and blood tests. Two of them, who had symptoms of pneumonia, received antibiotics and are in a "normal state," said the official, who said all would remain under observation at the hospital for a week. . At least two have symptoms of pneumonia. They all wear sunglbades to get used to the daylight in Thailand.

In the countryside, the miners' saga was followed with attention. But the drama is also closely watched from abroad. The international media has sent hundreds of journalists to the site and the children have received messages of support from the most diverse personalities, from US President Donald Trump to technology guru Elon Musk, to Argentine football star Lionel Messi .

The head of the military junta that governs Thailand, General Prayut Chan-O-Cha, received Monday in Cave Musk, president of SpaceX. Later, the entrepreneur again announced on Twitter his proposal for a mini-submarine to take out the remaining five youngsters from the cave, where 17 nights have already pbaded. The rains that began to fall on Tuesday added pressure to the operations to save the remaining children and the coach, the last of the evacuees.

Also read: They are the 13 young people who were rescued

] #mufc is relieved to know that the 12 players and technical director trapped in the Thai cave are safe. Our prayers are with those who are affected.

It will be an honor to host the Wild Boars football club and its rescuers at Old Trafford next season.

– Manchester United (@ManUtd_Es) July 10, 2018

Even though they do not participate in the World Cup final, the survivors have Already other invitations from Spectacles Sports The English club Manchester United offered the team to visit the stadium Old Trafford. On Twitter social network, United was "relieved" to know that the rescue went well, and wanted to invite the boys' team, the Wild Boars Football Club, and their rescuers, to visit his house next season. In addition, other sports stars such as Spaniards Sergio Ramos and Iker Casillas have sent a salute to their rescued colleagues.

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