General Torres Escalante ratified the will to tell the truth in the PEC – Peace Process – Politics


On Tuesday, the first public hearing of a General of the Republic was held before the Special Court for Peace (JEP).

In this diligence this transitional justice created under the peace agreement, especially the Sala of the Definition of Legal Situations, specialized presence in the cases of militates, studied the submission of the General Henry William Torres Escalante at the JEP.

Torres Escalante, who is currently deprived of his freedom at the Infantry School of the North Canton of Bogotá,
has ratified his commitment to contribute to the truth and to appear before the Appeals of the justice of the peace, procedure with which

This soldier had already signed an act of submission on July 21 of last year and, during this hearing, he ratified the obligations implied by this declaration and it's re-registered. an act with which he started his business for the crime of homicide of a protected person.

This 55-year-old general, married with two children, is linked to the murders of Daniel Torres and his son Roque, two peasants of Aguazul, Casanare, who were presented in 2007 as combat victims. against the insurgency. : the "false positives" unfortunately famous.

The retired general is accused of ordering these crimes when he was commander of the 16th Brigade in Casanare, between December 2005 and July 2007. And to cover other officers involved in other "false positives".

The case of Torres Escalante is a key issue for officers prosecuted for non-combat-related deaths, as the Office of the Prosecutor has speculated that command responsibility should be applied to him as a commander of the troop who perpetrated the crimes. However, the army refused to accept this responsibility

During the hearing, his lawyer, Jaime Granados, obtained legal status.
Also present at the hearing were the delegate supervisor at the MEC, Mónica Cifuentes, and the victim Angela Torres Valbuena, wife and mothers of the murdered.

The defendant Torres Escalante was informed of all the cases to which he is bound and the magistrates of the Legal Situation Room informed him that it will be the Truth Recognition Room which will be responsible for the final resolution of his situation. .

"I am in front of the PEC because I believe that in ordinary justice I have no guarantee of defending myself." I already signal my commitment to contribute to the truth about the facts related to death, but it does not imply confession I have not caused or ordered any of the deaths that are imputed to me, my subjection is such that the necessary tests are done so that the truth is known and, if so, forgive me and proceed to the repair, "said Torres Escalante

" I want to apologize to the victims for the damage done in the hope that it will not happen again ", added by mentioning that he did not learn the facts for which he is bound. He said that in fact they are attributable to the men of his command.

Before the PEC, some 2,159 members of the Force Publique, 2,019 of the Army, 34 of the Police and 16 of the Navy were subjected. among them have enjoyed an early transitional freedom

The judges of the House of the Def Legal initions badess case 92 of ordinary courts, 22 of which were from the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.

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