Pregnant women were reportedly ill-treated in immigrant centers in the United States.


July 10, 2018 – 12:39.
2018-07-10 By:

Agencia EFE

Several pregnant women have been mistreated in immigration detention centers in the United States, denounced Tuesday the American organization "March Dimes," Dedicated "Under no circumstances is it unacceptable to refuse essential medical care or to chain pregnant women, regardless of their immigration status," Stacey said. Stewart, president of the March of Dimes, in a statement

. The activist is said to be "appalled" by recent reports of alleged mistreatment of pregnant women while their immigration status is being resolved, a situation reported by BuzzFeed digital media. News in a report in which she quotes several women

In this regard, Stewart criticized a "systemic lack of basic protection of the health of women and babies in detention" that is simply intolerable ", added the president of the group whose seat is in the State of New York,

. The March of Dimes urged the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). ) to "investigate" these allegations immediately and to ensure that all employees, contractors and executive bodies comply with the applicable guidelines and policies regarding the detention, restriction and provision of medical care to pregnant women .

according to the US Congress, formal inquiries into these practices which, according to Stewart, "violate congressional directives and current directives of DHS and the Customs and Border Protection Bureau (CBP)".

The Trump administration began in April adopted its controversial policy of "zero tolerance" against immigration, which led to the separation of about 3,000 minors from their parents – including a Half a million They have already been handed over to their parents – a measure that was finally suspended in mid-June due to the overwhelming criticism received.

Read more: Trump badesses asking a judge more time to reunite immigrant families

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