Did he make the bear? This is how Iván Duque hosted King Felipe of Spain


In the middle of his visit to Spain, where he visited football stadiums, he made a tour, the elected president Iván Duque, visited the king of that country, Felipe VI, with whom they entered diplomatic visit. what went to the media was the newsletter on his visit to the king and Spain, to consolidate it as a strategic country in future plans. In the Palace of Zarzuela
he met King Felipe VI, to whom he presented his agenda of legality, entrepreneurship and equity

"We talked about the historical relationship of the 39, Spain and Colombia, the next few years I think it is a good balance, and I leave with a very good approval and recognition of the program we have established for Colombians. "

But it does not matter There was not much of that visit that had an unexpected turn in the social networks, where they mocked the incoming agent who met a very dry and serious king and to whom he spoke, without receiving much response.

The most tense moment, in the video that they expose, and from which they stick to make fun of Duque, is when he addresses the greetings of Senator Álvaro Uribe to monarchist patron:

" President Uribe sends his greetings, his great friend, who loves him very much. He also sends many greetings President Pastrana," says Duque to a king, who does not seems to be annoyed and tells him to continue in ceremonial acts.

This is the video and from there, social network users, have been hooked to make him real intimidation Duke, that they have treated like a puppet, And they even told him that Uribe was the father!

With you the messenger of greetings @IvanDuque .

International Shame. pic. twitter.com/9OfmVSAwUl

– Indignados Colombia (@ManosLimpiasCo) July 10, 2018

My dad sends you greetings, he remembers you a lot, and I did it myself

– PAULO SAID OROZCO S (@ paulosaid79) July 10, 2018

You can to say that he does not know what else to tell, he looks scared, like when a child arrives the first day of school without his parents, MOMENT !!

– Alejandro Mateus (@ alejandromateu2) July 10, 2018

Panas, I started to look at the body language of Ivan Duque next to the King of Spain and I do not can connect it to this image pic.twitter.com/uEBMzHIaN8 [19659002] – Мария Кандела® (@AyMariaCandela) July 10, 2018

Ivancito Mijo, in these cases just nod and leave that your masters communicate with the other presidents by phone. In fact, what you say makes you look absolutely shameful, and even on the outside you realize that you 're nothing other than one. puppet.

– VITTOBELT (@VITTOBELT) July 10, 2018

When I heard that the first thing the puppet Duke told the King of Spain was that Uribe him had sent greetings: pic.twitter.com/07GmK9LmjT

– Diego Zambrano B. (@diegozamben) ] July 10, 2018

What my father sends to say …
* Take out a piece of paper
Say hello to Uribe and his good friend Pastrana.

– Lenford (@VictorJBautista) July 10, 2018

But in addition to the jokes, many were those who pointed out that he did not know the diplomatic protocol and that he was paying the hazing , nothing more and nothing less than the most important man in Spain and some said:

Duc with this episode with the King of Spain showed, among other things, the little preparation He must be the president of the country. His lack of expertise is revealed in the discomfort that he shows to be next to a personality like Philip IV.

– Diana Ardila (@ dianardila11) July 10, 2018

It seems terrible that Ivan Duke meets with the King of Spain and commit hazing in official photos and videos with the press . It is noted that he has no idea of ​​the government protocol. Failure of his team of advisers, he may not know what to do, but his team should do it

– Rolando Ordóñez (@rolando_ordonez) July 10, 2018

It seems terrible that Ivan Duque meets King of Spain and comment on hazing in full photos and official videos with the press. It is noted that he has no idea of ​​the government protocol. The failure of his team of advisers, he may not know what to do, but his team should.

– Rolando Ordóñez (@rolando_ordonez) July 10, 2018


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