Facebook: Ads Now Appear With Augmented Reality Technology | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


A small group of advertisers is trying to present their advertisement on Facebook based on augmented reality technology, reported the website "TechCrunch". In this way, the social network materializes the announcement made in the F8 developer conference to work with companies to use this type of technology.

Vice President of Product Marketing for Global Marketing Solutions of Facebook Ty Ahmad-Taylor, explained at an advertising event with examples how the customer can see how he has sunglbades before buying them or using digital makeup to know exactly what to buy.

go to the stores to do that, "said Ahmad-Taylor." People still love this experience, but they would like to try it at home ", so" bridging the gap "to be able to live an experience similar is to move in.

Advertisements look like "always", but include the "tap to test" option.When you access it, augmented reality technology is turned on. User knows exactly what he is about to buy to go ahead with the transaction.

The Data

The first brand to try this new type of business. Announcements were Michael Kors, Sephora, NYX Professional Makeup, Bobbi Brown, Pottery Barn, Wayfair and King then presented their commercials in the coming months.

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