Nicolas Benedetti would leave Deportivo Cali to play in MLS Minnesota | Colombian Football | Eagle League


The hiring of Macnelly Torres left from the beginning a questioning of the continuity of Nicolas Benedetti in Deportivo Cali, to play both in the same position, and although at noon in the conference Juan Fernando Mejía said he had nothing concrete to say, this afternoon it was known that Benedetti would go to Major League Soccer, USA, in this case to Minnesota United.

Unofficial versions indicate that the agreement between clubs would be virtually ready. the pbad book is open until August 31, Deportivo Cali would accept the conditions of Minnesota, unless in the next hours or days there is a better offer from Europe.

Nicolás, despite his youth, won the property in the Verdiblanca formation and has so far scored 21 goals in 121 games, with notable qualifications not only for his contribution to game creation but for his good definition . He has experience in the local league, Copa Libertadores and the South American Cup.

Now, the 21-year-old's opinion, with debut at Sarmiento Lora school and training in Verdiblanca's career, will be key. In the transaction, the Cali would maintain a percentage of sports rights

Sugar managers have always said – and today President Mejía has ratified – that for Deportivo Cali to be a sustainable team in the economic part, it is essential that each year, sell at least two of its local players, to balance expenses with income.

Marco Antonio Garcés
Correspondent of Futbolred Cali
On Twitter: @marquitosgarces

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