Two women are captured for extorting a family with witchcraft in Santander | Judicial


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Reported events occurred in November 2016 Then, the two people managed to gain the trust of their victim by supporting that qu & # 3939; they had been displaced by violence.

Taking advantage of the fact that one of the relatives of the extorted woman was suffering from a painful illness, she offered to intervene to her victim. "They asked for a millionaire sum for a supposed teleported Putumayo teleported" to perform surgeries and thereby release several family members of alleged cancerous tumors caused by alleged work. According to the Attorney General 's office, the inmates first asked the affected woman $ 70 million and later, in June 2017, they started asking for more money.

However, given the refusal of family members, they were intimidated and threatened by the so-called witches who eventually claimed up to $ 500 million. Given the particular nature of the proposal and the requirement of a large sum of money, the victim filed his complaint with the Gaula de Santander.

With the verification and collection of material and material evidence, the issuance of arrest warrants.

Mother and daughter, who announced that they were going to make a pre-agreement with the accuser, were sent to the Bucaramanga Women's Prison

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