Facebook launches ads in Indian newspapers about misinformation in WhatsApp | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Facebook responds to the violence generated in India by the false news that is broadcast in WhatsApp by buying ads in the country's newspapers to warn of misinformation, reports the website "TechCrunch" . In full pages, the social network tries to explain how to prevent the spread of this type of publications

In recent years, popular violence has increased due to false rumors and unfounded provocations that are broadcast in WhatsApp . This has already caused many deaths, including that of a group of subjects unjustly involved in a case of badual violence on the street.

"Information that bothers you," says the WhatsApp full-page ad. It is clear that the downward solution to newspaper advertising revenues in India will come from the way we tackle our digital crisis of false news. pic.twitter.com/3h5XyJeMIr

– Anuj Srivas (@AnujSrivas) July 10, 2018

On the other hand, this is not the first time that the social network Buys advertisements in newspapers to warn against false news in India, but it's the first in response to the violence caused by the spread of misinformation in the messaging platform specifically.

The announcement

The announcement is full page. It reports that "from this week" the platform includes the option of a function that determines whether a message has been transmitted. "Check the facts when you're not sure who wrote the original message," he warns.

The new feature is an evolution of WhatsAp p tests started in January that warns when a message has been transmitted. Once its effectiveness will depend on many factors in India, according to "TechCrunch" the most difficult will be to overcome local biases when considering whether the information is false or not.

According to Reuters, ads appeared in "Indian Key Newspapers" and in English. Facebook would like to publish similar notices in regional newspapers across India for the remainder of the week Although "TehcCrunch" wonders "who these ads are for, then."

"We are starting an educational campaign in India on how to detect fake news and rumors," said a door WhatsApp Reuters in a statement. "Our first step is to place advertisements in newspapers in English and Hindi and in other languages ​​we will build on these efforts." [19659011] The announcement of Facebook on WhatsApp warns false information.It offers ten tips to identify what kind of content, which can be summarized in "consult d & # 39; other sources "and try to check if what is said

The data

Facebook have been accused of not responding quickly enough to the risks Similar events have occurred in Burma, where the United Nations warned that the social network was serving as a source of information. weapon to spread hate speech in order to fuel ethnic violence.

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