They accuse the new judge of protecting Trump


US Senate Democrat Leader Charles Schumer on Tuesday accused President Donald Trump of appointing Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of Justice as a shield against the investigation of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller over Russia . 19659002] At a rally in the Supreme Court, the New York senator stated that Trump had chosen Kavanaugh because he feared that Mueller would ask the highest court to summon the president to answer questions on the alleged interference of the Kremlin on his behalf. in the 2016 elections.

"President Trump knows that Kavanaugh will be a barrier to preventing the inquiry from pbading through," said Schumer, who was accompanied by senior Democratic senators in the Upper House.

] The leader of the Senate minority reported that Kavanaugh contends that an acting president can not face a criminal investigation.

Schumer declared that the Democrats will oppose the confirmation of the conservative magistrate "to save the freedom of reproduction of women, to save health protection for millions, those of the collective LGTB (bad, gay, transbadual and bibadual) and save the "

California Senator Dianne Feinstein said that she was not only concerned about the position of the judge appointed for abortion, but also with respect to the control of weapons

they oppose the candidate, the Republicans have 51 votes out of 100, enough to confirm their appointment to the Supreme Court, if they act en bloc.

The Republican leader at the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said that he is waiting for his confirmation before the November elections

when he is ratified, Kavanaugh will be the sixth Catholic to the United States Supreme Court, composed of nine members


President Donald Trump increased pressure on NATO member countries on Tuesday, considering that it is easier to deal with the main enemy of the military alliance , Russian President Vladimir Putin, the day before

Trump arrived in Brussels last night aboard the plane Air Force One accompanied by his wife Melania, to start a tour in Europe that will culminate, a few days after the summit. of NATO, with a meeting with the Russian leader in Helsinki on 16 July.

"Quite frankly, Putin may be the easiest of all, who would have thought that?" Trump joked the press before boarding the plane.

Military spending is the main point of disagreement between the United States and its allies.

Trump also took advantage of this Tuesday to reiterate his criticisms of his North Atlantic Treaty Organization partners for, in his view, not investing enough to take advantage from Washington.

Before arriving in Brussels, Trump went even further in a tweet, baduring that his allies "reimburse" defense spending in the United States, whose military budget represents two-thirds of the total. total of NATO.

NATO, Wednesday and Thursday, takes place in a tense context between Washington and its European Union partners, particularly Germany, mired in a trade war after several disagreements over the Iran's nuclear program or the Paris Climate Agreement

Immediately, European Council President Donald Tusk responded to Trump stating that he was ceasing to attack the allies of the country. NATO

"Dear United States, enjoy your allies, and at the end, you do not have as many," wrote Tusk, a former Polish prime minister, on Twitter

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