Duque says he and Uribe are two different people – Government – Politics


In the middle of the tour developed by the President-elect, Iván Duque, for Spain, where he met King Felipe VI; the head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez; and several businessmen, the newspaper El País in Spain gave him an interview in which he talked about what he plans to do in his government and his relations with the former president Álvaro Uribe.

Asked about his coincidences and disagreements with the former president have "differences in style, communication, political differences, differences between certain discussions" and add that "clearly" these are "two different people".

indicated that they respect each other and that they understand "what is the role of each one". "I will be the president of the Colombians and he will be a very important senator in the Colombian Senate," he said.

Duque also referred to the peace agreements signed with the FARC and said that it was not a question of destroying them. "But to" fix things that are wrong "
In this regard, he stated that his intention to stop" the vertiginous expansion of illicit crops ", and" that can ensure that the FARC party maintains its representation in Congress, but that if one of its members is convicted of crimes against humanity must leave Congress and be replaced by another . "

I will be the president of the Colombians and he will be a very important senator in the Colombian Senate

The elected president also indicated that the substitution of coca cultures in the country should not be voluntary : "I believe that the principle must be mandatory. That is, substitution is mandatory, but if in the mandatory mandate someone says what I want to do voluntarily, then he works with the communities.

During the interview, Duque also said that when he will govern, he will not think of the opponents. in the well-being of all Colombians. "" I want to propose to Colombia a future agenda that unites us, where we are all, where security and justice allow us the free exercise of freedoms, where entrepreneurship allows the development of business in the country " He questioned the social, political and economic crisis in Venezuela, and said that "multilateral action is necessary." He insisted that Colombia must withdraw from Unasur and "support the denunciations of the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis, Almagro, before the International Criminal Court"

He added that he hoped "to develop a funds for humanitarian aid at the border and allow aid to also translate into opportunities with migratory regularization. "

Duke also spoke about the peace process with the ELN and explained that if the guerrillas" have a desire for peace, demobilization, disarmament and reintegration ", they will be there, but they must "Suspend all criminal activities." There may be a substantial reduction in penalties in the context of the transition, but not in the absence of penalties. If there is a will in which I am ready .

Finally, the elected president spoke about the increase in crimes against social leaders in the country and badured that "we must give them protection. "

" I do not want a country where people are intimidated by the way they think or how they behave or how they manage their privacy. I want to be from the first day guaranteeing that the authorities will protect, investigate quickly and punish the perpetrators. I am baduming this challenge because I do not want to see a single social leader in murdered Colombia. We can not allow the violent to silence our social expressions, "he said.


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