The informality of work in Colombia and how to overcome its high rates – Sectors – Economy


According to data from the International Labor Organization (ILO) the informality of labor in Colombia is the highest in the world: 61.3%.

The figure is quite high and the experts have different reasons to explain why it is so difficult to defeat informal employment in the country.

For Stefano Farné, director of the Labor Market Observatory, Externado University of Colombia, one of the main reasons is the low productivity of the mbad of people who are in l & # 39; informality.

"Unproductive people, considered low-income people, can not afford the costs that come with them.

  According to the ILO, informality in Colombia is 61.3%. </p>
<div clbad= Photo:

Juan Pablo Rueda / TIME Archive

The expert We also considered that we should not think that with a law that is made, all informal will become informal and "all will be fine ": " We must realize that informality is a phenomenon that can be diminished in the long run "[19659004] Farne believes that another reason for informality is that all of The world is talking about fighting it, but the measures taken favor it.

"With the recent tax reform they said they were going to reduce the labor cost of the trend," claimed.

He added that another cause is the benefits that are outside of the formal activity. "For example, in the field of health, there is a serious problem: the subsidized and contributory scheme is the same, but the first one does not quote and covers all the people with whom we live."

"People prefer to go to the fringe of informality: he has a precarious, but stable income."

"Formalization involves benefits and costs, there are people who want benefits and no costs, "he added.

For Luis Alejandro Pedraza, President of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), it is not possible to reduce the figure of informality until the government does not change the labor legislation. precarisation of employment through services is allowed, which generates total and total instability. For this reason, people prefer to go to the informal sector: they have precarious but stable incomes, "he said.

Pedraza says the displacement of rural workers, through abandonment or violence, has helped to trigger the numbers Percy Oyola, member of the office of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), states that in Colombia "there is culture of least effort, to earn more at the price We have a sector in which entrepreneurs tend to outsource. "

  Venezuelans in Colombia

Venezuelans are the most prominent aliens on Colombian streets working in the informal economy.

Photo: [19659022] Óscar Bernal / EL TIEMPO

Finally, he badured that the phenomenon of immigrants is another cause of informality.

"On the one hand, they come from other countries to look for things.On the other hand, the Colombian labor force becomes cheaper and unemployment is generated, this which allows the arrival of people from foreigners who do not contribute to social security.And Colombians must devote themselves to informality, "he said.


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