Where and when to see the moon of blood?


In the calendar of astronomical events, this 2018 presents two lunar eclipses, the one that was highlighted at the beginning of the year on January 31, a spectacular eclipse Super Blue Blood Moon.

This July 27th, We Can Enjoy Blood Moon The Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of the 21st Century

You might be interested: Scientists agree that the smallest asteroids are the most dangerous [19659005] This type of lunar eclipse is visible from anywhere in the Earth of course, where it is dark. However, its duration depends on the distance of the moon or the sunset.

This spectacular astronomical phenomenon, also known as Blood Moon is characterized by the acquisition of the moon. an intense red color when it enters the depths of the shadow of the Earth an effect that occurs because the atmosphere of the Earth acts as a lens and a means of dispersion for the light of Sun.

On the way, part of the sunlight bends towards the surface of the Moon when it pbades through the atmosphere of the Earth . In addition to the reddish color, we also see colors like green and blue, only that their wavelengths are shorter than red or orange.

The eclipse of this July 27 will be partially visible from South America when the Moon rises

The total phase of the eclipse will last 1 hour and 43 minutes

Much of the eastern hemisphere of the Earth, that is, half of the planet, which includes: Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and a good part of Europe and Africa will be able to see all or part of the eclipse. However, some parts of the Western Hemisphere may also see it when it is finished, including the areas of South America

In Australia and New Zealand locals will have to wait until dawn July 28 to witness the eclipse

What time can it be seen?

The eclipse will begin at 18:24 (14:24 ET) and 22:19 UTC (18:24 ET). At first, it will look like a partial eclipse that will last until 19:30 UTC

Then you can see the total eclipse in the sky from 19:30 UTC (15:30 ET) to 21 : 13 UTC (17: ET 13). But at 20:22 UTC (16:22 ET), it will be the climax of the eclipse, as indicated by EarthSky.

Live Stream

If you are not in any of the places where You can watch this spectacular event in the air, do not worry, you may watch TV shows in direct from Virtual Telescope Project (VTP) and other sites that we will inform you later.

Linda Yicela Hernández Sánchez – Colombia.com

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