Anti-corruption consultation: the promoters' committees were for the YES


According to the National Council of Electors (CNE), 34 promoters' committees were registered for the "Anti-Corruption Consultation" after the deadline for formalizing groups in the electoral authority.

According to the CNE for the yes that they registered 33 committees, no, there were no registrants and for the promotion of forbearance there was one or only

The majority of the committees registered by the yes were presented in the Atlantic and in Bogota, many of them from Colombia Humana and the Green Party The group for the abstention was Yopal, Casanare

The anti-corruption consultation is scheduled for August 26 and will be one of the first missions to be conducted by President Iván Duque, after his possession.

The challenge for proponents of consultation is to reach the required threshold, ie at least one-third of the electoral census, ie an average of 12 million of voice. Of these, half plus one must validate the validity of each of the points.

Among the points included in the consultation are lowering the salary for members of Congress and senior officials; remove the benefits of the special prison to bribe them and forbid them to contract with the state; transparent procurement with call for standard offers throughout the country; public budgets with the participation of citizens through public hearings; Congress members must make public their efforts, their votes and their initiatives. make public declarations of income and unjustified income of politicians and extinguish their domain; regulate three maximum periods in public corporations

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