Concerns about the articulation of foreign policy for the Duque government – Government – Politics


Foreign Minister María Ángela Holguín and her safer successor, Carlos Holmes Trujillo García, met on Wednesday morning for nearly four hours to do the splicing, and the most critical issues were the migration and the demands that the country faces in The Hague.

Nicaragua has claims over Colombian waters in the Caribbean for several decades.

But Daniel Ortega's regime was particularly incisive in the international court. In 2012, the Court has already favored Nicaragua by recognizing Nicaragua's rights over vast areas of the waters surrounding the keys of Quitasueño and Serrana, in contrast to "serious" way the interests of Colombia in the region.

"The Court, in drawing the line of maritime delimitation, committed serious errors that I must emphasize, and which affect us negatively (…) These are really omissions, errors, excesses, inconsistencies, that we can not accept (…) We will not exclude any recourse or mechanism granted by international law to defend our rights, "said President Juan Manuel Santos at the time.

Colombia also stated that the delimitation decided by the Hague Court in 2012 is inapplicable and that according to the Constitution Colombia's boundaries can only be changed by international treaties. The Constitutional Court supported this view.

But Nicaragua's claims did not stop there. The Ortega regime has made new demands to the court. One to denounce that Colombia did not respect the 2012 decision and another to claim rights over an extended continental shelf that would allow it to control the Caribbean itself.

Colombia then argued that the Court had no jurisdiction over Nicaragua's new claims, but in 2016 the court denied the reason to Colombian lawyers.

The Hague Court then has decisions to be made and the point is of maximum interest to Colombia and the government which will begin on August 7th.

We will not exclude any remedy or mechanism granted by international law to defend our rights

The other issue that was in the first point of concern of Chancellor Holguín and his successor the most certain are the object of the migration of Venezuela

It is estimated that nearly one and a half million people have arrived in Colombia. They fled the Venezuelan crisis, Colombians, other children of Colombians and most of them citizens of this country.

Non-governmental organizations such as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the two United Nations, who have followed the phenomenon, talk about more of a million migrants who arrived in Colombia as a result of the crisis in Venezuela.

The authorities also believe that the arrival of the citizens of this country to Colombia will intensify with the intensification of chaos in Venezuela as none of the international expert studies n & rsquo; Considers that the situation tends to improve.

The mbadive influx of migrants began to put the country in trouble in areas such as health, safety and education, it must serve the population that comes in the worst conditions.

International organizations agree on the qualification of What is there a "humanitarian crisis" that Nicolás Maduro's regime does not accept?

The new government faces the challenge of solving the most serious migration problem Colombia has faced in its history. continent.


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