YouTube Music could become the terror of Spotify


The creation of new applications invades the Internet because with several features Google has launched a new service to listen to music more easily and more varied.

For lovers of the music industry has arrived YouTube Music an alternative that is known for downloading off-line productions, following the new songs of the most famous artists of the moment and able to access live and exclusive content without problems.

web users, music has become the best company for all time because when we choose songs, people can make the environment or the situation they are much more enjoyable . [19659004] With some existing services such as Deezer, Napster, Amazon Music, Apple Music and the most famous, Spotify the musical quota was covered by systems that allow

Although there is already a tight and competitive conflict between these applications, adds a new rival that promises many options to improve the experience of people at the

platform. Digital form developed by Google aims to allow music lovers to enjoy in depth artists and favorite songs without having to resort to an Internet connection. [19659002] With the paid version, p users will be able to listen to and see the content without advertising and without advertising, as well as download them to access without internet . This is thanks to the technology of "automatic learning". which is managed by Netflix.

Unlike other services, YouTube Music allows its users to decide whether they want or do not see the audio-visual accompaniment of the song that you listen to in one only click.

YouTube Music is also distinguished by its clean, attractive, innovative and fast design, so only you have to download it to your mobile. Having details about the Queen Mother, YouTube the service is quite familiar and agile because the search engine available to the developer (Google) is almost impossible to match. [19659002] As announced by the application itself, YouTube Music will debut with a repertoire of about 50 million songs s, unlike Spotify which speaks of over 35 million themes on his platform.

Both platforms offer the ability to customize the type of songs each user wants, in addition to providing recommendations based on the best time. Similarly, both services have the same price for the monthly subscription.

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