Why the defendant of murder Surtifruver asks for an index in the EHD – Investigation – Justice


Mauricio Parra Rodríguez accused of having ordered the murder of Alonso Orjuela Pardo, owner of Surtifruver, filed an application with the Criminal Circuit Judge for judgment by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP)

Parra, who is imprisoned at Modelo Prison in Bogotá, was designated by the Office of the Prosecutor as one of the brains of the death of Orjuela Pardo, registered in October 2016.

charge, the prosecutor stated that Parra had him killed by order of Hernán Darío Velásquez, alias Paisa, former head of the column "Teófilo Forero" of the Farc in order to appropriate it the fruit and vegetable chain Surtifruver.

Parra's application was made this Wednesday at the trial preparation hearing, which was postponed until it was determined whether Parra's arguments were valid to enter in the EHD. Although the judge referred the case to the Judicature, in the law creating this jurisdiction, it was clear that conflicts of jurisdiction would be defined by the Constitutional Court.

In his application, Parra badures that he "does not accept and does not recognize the charges stipulated by the Crown", stating that he is in ordinary court he does not agree with it. has not the necessary guarantees. The defense also stated that the CEP's Legal Situations Definition Chamber "has the task of granting an adversarial judgment before the Court of Peace, in cases where, without truth or recognition, the facts relating to the conflict are imputed.

Parra's argument is that, as the Office of the Prosecutor reports alleged links with the FARC, its case should be known by the transitional justice to call former guerrilla members to give their version on the murder of the owner of Surtifruver

does not accept or does not recognize the charges brought by the prosecutor's office

Parra insists that the proceedings against him is a montage that emerges from the alleged false testimony According to his lawyers, the witness allegedly lied in his statements " after receiving 20 million pesos from the brothers of Orjuela ." The defense states that the brothers of the victim sought to seize the company.

To deflect the investigation, the defense claims, the Orjuela brothers supposedly relied on the complicity of a CTI official who brought the case and who is now

in September from last year, Parra was appointed by the Attorney General, Nestor Humberto Martinez, as one of the great front men of the FARC. At the time, the Attorney General's Office stated that it had withdrawn from Parra 66 badets for the extinguishment of the property, valued at 57,000 million pesos, which would actually come from from the south block

. the CEP because at the time, the Office of the Prosecutor had stated that demobilized FARC members had reported carrying drugs in the demilitarized zone in 1998.

Although Parra accepted charges and implicated Berta Cecilia Rueda – wife of the owner of Surtifruver, with whom she would have had a romantic relationship – in January of this year she retracted.

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