Court upheld the sanctions for the tragedy of space


Sitting outside the room 15 of the Superior Court of Medellín, Carlos Alberto Cantor gave the impression of finally feeling relieved after giving a grueling judicial battle for Do not miss the memory of his

It took three years and ten months of tears, grueling hearings, legal arguments and statements to the media that the tragedy did not go unpunished.

He had to endure, as he calls them, "absurd proposals to reconcile for money" and disrespectful innuendoes who tried to blame his boy, Juan Esteban Cantor Molina of his own death. "As he knew that the building was going to fall," said the father, after a long sigh.

In the second-instance sentence, presented yesterday morning, the high court l & # 39; again found it right.It confirmed the decision of the first criminal court of the circuit of Medellín (18/01/18), which condemned the three main perpetrators of the disaster of the urbanization space for culpable homicide.

Pablo Villegas Mesa Representative The construction company Lleida CDO will have to pay four years and three months of detention and 75 months of incapacity to conduct commercial construction activities; Maria Cecilia Posada Grisales direc trice of the urban project, four years and one month of detention and 54 months of inability to practice engineering in construction; and the calculator engineer Jorge de Jesús Aristizábal Ochoa four years and two months of arrest and 73 months disqualified for the professional activity of design and calculation of structures.

With respect to the fines, the Court amended that of Villegas to fit the legal ranges, lowering from 73 to 57.4 minimum monthly statutory wages; Posada will pay 45 and Aristizábal, 50.

The urbanization space was a dream of six apartment towers, located in a privileged spot in El Poblado, southeast of Medellín.

It became a nightmare on October 12, 2013, when after obvious structural failures, tower 6 s collapsed, burying the lives of nine people who worked in repairs, two guards and resident Esteban Cantor . Due to the damage, the rest of the structure was demolished several months later, leaving 152 families homeless.

File No. 05001 600206 2013 54138, which includes the findings of the studies and expert reports of the Office of the Prosecutor, indicates that "there was a defect in the structural design and errors in the construction."

This includes non-compliance with seismic standards, inadequate materials and negligence in the supervision of work. "The structure could only support seven floors, much unlike the 26 floors it had (…), the building was not able to stay firm, when its own weight exceeded its ability to withstand "And he adds that seven months before the disaster there was damage to the structure, against which was an" extreme indifference of those responsible for the safety of work. "

Esteban, 23 years old and student in social communication Eafit was on the scene a day after the evacuation, taking pictures for his work as a university journalist.The sentence absolved him of responsibility: "The thesis of self-implementation danger of Esteban Cantor is excluded (…), while the construction company has published that she mastered the situation without the existence of risks. "

the convicted, the courts granted them the benefit of house arrest. [1945] 9005] Carlos López Aristiquábal calculator's lawyer, said the defense would take the five days provided by law to badyze the decision and decide whether to appeal to the Supreme Court.

Villegas, Posada and Aristizábal did not go to the hearing. Throughout the trial, they argued, respectively, that they were not responsible for the collapse and that they had not suffered technical failures, but their argument failed at the bar.

Carlos Cantor wanted this to be the last chapter of the litigation. "We were not entirely in agreement with the sentence, but we are happy that some justice has been done." Being in prison is not enough for the serious mistake they made. ", he said.

The family no longer wants calls, "put an end to this, to see if Juan Esteban rests in peace."

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