The Office of the Attorney General will investigate the possible involvement of state agents in the deaths of social leaders


Attorney Carrillo believes that there may be a systematicity in the dead, especially that of the leaders who defend land restitution.

The Attorney General of the Nation announced Wednesday that the alleged involvement of state agents in the death of social leaders in the country would be the subject of an investigation [19659003] "Here, there have been instances of co – opting agents They are eliminating social leaders Our call is first and foremost to mayors and governors to badume the responsibilities of the defense of life and of the integrity of social leaders, and secondly, to citizenship to help us investigate, to report there are state agents at all territorial levels and law enforcement officers involved in the killings of social leaders, "says Carrillo

For the Prosecutor General, we can talk about the systematic nature of these deaths. what to do with the leaders of land restitution.

"Here are the depopulators who kill land chiefs, It is difficult to clarify the other systems, but I can tell you that according to the Attorney General's report, there are systematically murders of land rulers.

And it is that of the 178 murders investigated by the Office of the Prosecutor since 2016, in seven of the cases, state agents were involved, another 71 cases are being verified

Córdoba, with 13 the dead, is the Department of the Caribbean with the highest number of killings of social leaders.In this region, they fear the illegal armed groups, but also, in some cases, some authorities.

The High Commissioner for Rights of the man in Colombia, Alberto Brunori, also agreed to investigate the members of the Force.Public to establish if there are any responsibilities

"There are cases of 39, alleged extrajudicial executions We are going to court to see their progress, "said Brunori.

For its part, the Attorney General's office has issued several arrest warrants in recent hours. The above is in addition to the efforts of the outgoing government of Juan Manuel Santos to stop not only the dead but also the threats against the social leaders.

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