They deny 143 requests for release of Lula – World – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


Laurita Vaz, President of the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil (STJ), rejected a total of 143 applications for the release of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The resources of "habeas corpus" were rejected in the same act and in the same line that the judge adopted to deny a similar action judged by a lawyer who does not join the defense team of the & # 39; 39, exmandatario, sentenced to 12 years for corruption and imprisoned since 7 April.

On Tuesday, Vaz also declared "incompetence" in the Lula case of Judge Rogério Favreto, who last Sunday, as a judge on duty at the Federal Regional Court of the Fourth Region (TRF- 4), generated a judicial earthquake by ordering the "immediate" release of the exmandatario. Favreto was involved in a legal dispute with the case investigator, João Pedro Gebran, who rescinded that order, and the dispute was finally settled by TRF-4 chairman, Carlos Thompson Flores, who kept Lula in prison.

In the decision that denied the bulk resources, Vaz explained that the "standardized" orders of "habeas corpus" in favor of Lula were presented by people outside the defense since last Sunday and that they "overloaded a work routine already quite heavy." According to Vaz, although every citizen has the right to go to court, "the judiciary can not be used for claims or demonstrations of a political, ideological or partisan nature, because it is not its constitutional mission. "

sent the judge back to the office where, on Tuesday, he ruled against the "habeas corpus" granted on Sunday in favor of Lula. According to Vaz, using his status as a judge in service, Favreto generated "an unprecedented tumult in the history of Brazilian law" and ignored the rejection of similar appeals in favor of Lula previously decided by the superior courts.

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