The IACHR and the ANPDH certify that the crimes have increased following the repression of Daniel Ortega


The increase in the crackdown by the government against the population during 86 days of protest in Nicaragua expresses by the rebound of crimes perpetrated by paramilitary forces and agents of the national police.

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The latest updates from the agencies indicate that the murders are between 264 and 351 .

A press release issued by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in Managua denounces "the deterioration, deepening and diversification of repression in Nicaragua last week".

The Executive Secretary of the IACHR, Paulo Abrão, also referred to the same Wednesday, before the session of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), in Washington

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"Given the deterioration and worsening of the serious human rights crisis in Nicaragua, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights calls on the international community to take a stand and demand the Nicaraguan Government to put an immediate end to the repression and arbitrary detention, as well as all other human rights violations. 39 man, "said Abrão

in his press release to refer to the second week of work of the technical team of the Special Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni), arrived in Managua on 24 June 20 18, the IACHR reported that "it observed on the ground new forms of repression against people participating in demonstrations and opposition to the government. especially in children and adolescents. "

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Mr. Abrão referred to the work of Mr. Meseni in his report, once again rejected by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Denis Moncada, who described what happened in Nicaragua as a "coup d'etat" Moncada had no support within the OAS

According to the record of the IACHR since the beginning of the demonstrations in the country last April, 264 people were killed and more than 1800 injured.

The government of Carazo received insults from the bishops of the Archdiocese of Managua

During his stay in Managua, the Executive Secretary of the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (ANPDH), Álvaro Leiva Sánchez, reported that the organization already has 351 deaths.In the meantime, the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh) has signaled e 300 murders, 258 identified and two still unidentified who are at the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IML).

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Abrão said that in the second week, the Meseni watched with concern the crackdown on protesters and against those who remain in the roadblocks, during which time he experienced other new murders
. crimes, Abrão said that about twenty occurred last weekend in three municipalities of Carazo, between these two agents of the National Police. The death of one of the policemen that his mother attributes to the same institution for which his offspring worked and of which he had asked for the removal

The protests are condemned

Abrão pointed out in his report the badaults perpetrated by paramilitary groups on Monday at the Basilica of San Sebastián, Diriamba, against the Apostolic Nuncio to Nicaragua, Bishop Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag; Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, the auxiliary bishop of Managua, Mgr. Silvio Báez, as well as priests and journalists

He also denounced the campaign that was held against the representatives of the Catholic Church, in despite the role of mediator of the dialogue. Nationality and stigmatization against human rights defenders
Foreign Minister Moncada preferred to describe what happened in Carazo as terrorist acts where, according to him, eight militants of his party were murdered [19659019]. seems dead in Managua

"The IACHR reminds the government of its obligation to guarantee the integrity of all persons and the protection against any form of reprisals," said Mr. Abrão.

He also insisted that the government report the officers of those killed and injured during the period of government repression, who are identified as responsible while stating that they are still waiting for information from the detainees and l & # 39; Access to detention centers.

In his detailed report to the Permanent Council of the OAS, Abrão reiterated the continued arrests without warrant, without informing the causes of the same or that the detained person was placed on the order of the judges and the lack of access to the defense, which constitutes a violation of their rights. He expressed concern about the march held Thursday in Managua, given the results of previous marches, such as May 30 in honor of the April Mothers who ended with a bath of blood.

ANPDH denounces clandestine tombs [19659017] ANPDH executive secretary, Álvaro Leiva Sánchez, said he received information about the existence of alleged underground burials in the neighborhood stadiums of the municipalities of Diriamba and Jinotepe.

He reiterated the existence of illegal prisons in different parts of the country.

Of the total of 351 deaths reported by the ANPDH, includes six people who died of natural diseases, for lack of medical badistance, for not having received medical attention in time, medical malpractice or by obstacles in the barricades.

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Among the departments The country where the government committed the most killings with its repression was Managua with 162; followed by Masaya with 35; Leon with 26 and Carazo who records 25 dead, says the ANPDH

In the case of people who were released after arbitrary arrests, after negotiations with the Catholic Church, ANPDH, the secretary of the ANPDH explained that they suffered ill-treatment and torture by police and paramilitaries

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