Samsung has opened the largest smartphone factory in India


The South Korean giant has joined the initiative "Made in India", boosting the country's manufacturing industry.

  Samsung opened the largest smartphone factory in India "title =" Samsung opened the largest smartphone factory in India "/>
</div><figcaption clbad= Samsung opened the largest smartphone factory in India

The largest mobile device factory was opened in India by Samsung the giant of India. South Korean origin. This initiative is part of the success of the program to encourage investment in the manufacturing sector, which is led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi .

In fact, Modi and the President of Korea The South was responsible for the opening of the factory.

The factory is so impressive that it will have the capacity to produce 120 million smartphones a year, that will go to the most basic models that have a This is due the fact that Indian consumers prefer cheaper models that cost less than $ 250, motivated by the fact that the average annual income of In fact, for this reason, Apple is struggling to gain ground in the Indian population . Meanwhile, Samsung took advantage of this opportunity and can now meet the demand of the huge population of this country which has about 1300 million inhabitants, of which about 425 million use smartphones .

breakthrough is the result of Modi's strategy, known as "made in India", which offers companies to open factories in the country to boost local manufacturing industry , obtaining a partner as important as Samsung is

This is not a coincidence either, since the smart phone market in the country has grown, reaching the highest rate of expansion among the 20 main markets of the country . The major telephone companies, Xiaomi, of Chinese origin, have announced that they would install three more factories in India . In addition, it should be noted that in 2017 India managed to surpbad the positioning of the United States as the second largest smartphone market after China.

Some studies have revealed that by 2021 there will be 780 million connected phones. 19659014] const ppid = 1161528310567603; Function (e, t, n, c, o, a, f) {e.fbq || (o = e.fbq = function () {o.callMethod? O.callMethod.apply (or, arguments): o.queue.push (arguments)}, e._fbq || (e._fbq = o), o .push = o, o.loaded =! 0, o.version = "2.0", o.queue = [] (a = t.createElement (n)). async =! 0, a.src = "https: // ", (f = t .getElementsByTagName (n) [0]). parentNode.insertBefore (a, f))} (window, document," script "), fbq ("init", ppid), fbq ("track", "PageView"); [ad_2]
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