Arrestan porn actress who claims to have had relations with Trump


Pornographic actress Stormy Daniels, immersed in a legal battle with the US president, was arrested in a strip-tease scene in Ohio for being touched by a client. The woman's attorney claims that the episode was on a "montage" with "political ends".

American bad actress Stormy Daniels, legally facing President Donald Trump, was arrested on Wednesday while she was playing in a strip club, which was denounced by her lawyer as a "montage with political motivations. "

Daniels, who claims to have had a relationship with Trump – whom the president denies – was arrested for an offense. The incident occurred while she was appearing in an Ohio strip club, said her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, on Twitter

She explained that the reason for the arrest was that she would have allowed a client to touch her – in a non-badual way. I was on the stage

You can read: The bad star Stormy Daniels is arrested

"It was a Politically motivated show, it smelled of desperation, false accusations, "said Avenatti.

"Do they use law enforcement resources for covert operations like this? There must be more important priorities !!!", he added.

Avenatti explained that he expected to be released on bail and accused of "touching".

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is trying to get justice for canceling an agreement signed in 2016 for which she received $ 130,000 in exchange for her silence about the relationship that he would have had with Trump in 2006.

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agreement was held just before the election of Trump in the 2016 presidential. The bad actress claims the cancellation of the same, alleging that it was not signed by Trump.

The president denied having a relationship with her, but his lawyer Michael Cohen said he paid $ 90,000 to Daniels without being reimbursed by Trump. Although later the president acknowledged making money to his lawyer.

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