Referendum on life imprisonment for rapists triggers political division


Senator Armando Benedetti badured that life imprisonment will be the means for citizens to go to the polls

"As I predicted what was going to happen with the JEP, I predicted that there was going to be a referendum that would be for peace, but they were going to sentence the perpetrators of child rapists forever, c & # 39; 39 is the way to call people to vote the referendum and there will be the ] influence of Alejandro Ordóñez and Viviane Morales "However, some already announce that they will support the proposal when President Duque officially presents it to Congress.

Senator Juan Diego Gómez states that "we must promote the protection of family and children and that the elected president has proposed that the issue be an appeal to all parties to They are more sensitive in this matter. In the Conservative Party, we support Gilma Jiménez and his daughter with this proposal and I believe that all parties must do so this time . "

Others ask the president to push the initiative not by referendum, but of a constitutional reform, it would be the most expeditious way if a consensus was reached with all groups.

Representative Efraín Torres badured that "a new referendum on the subject can be resumed only in 2019, since the precedent was initiated in 2017 and that the law must last at least two years to register a new promotion committee. In addition, carrying out only the referendum could cost nearly 300 billion pesos . "

It also states that the law prevents this mechanism of citizen participation from being voted on the same day a conventional election, which increases the costs

The referendum to impose the right to vote. life imprisonment in Colombia for rapists and murderers of children would be voted in 2019, according to Iván Duque.

This initiative has already sunk several times due to lack of political will and procedural errors during his time in Congress.

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